News of Upcoming Meetings and Member Gallery News
Dear VPS Membership,
Summer days are soon coming to a close and the beauty of fall will be upon us. Enjoy the remaining warm weather as we’ll soon be layering up for the cooler month.
A couple of things coming up:
- September 30, 2016 will be a VPS Board Meeting. As always, these meetings are open to VPS members so I wanted to pass this along. For the most part, we will be discussing what 2017 will look like for VPS. The meeting will be at the T.W.Wood Art Gallery, 46 Barre Street, Montpelier, VT from 1 PM – 3PM. Please feel free to come. Or, if there are items you want the VPS Board to discuss, let me know.
- The Annual VPS Meeting will be November 6th, 2016 – The Center for Cartoon Studies, 94 S. Main Street, WRJ, VT 05001 – 1PM – 4PM. VPS will have afternoon snacks. We have a photographer, Kent Scrivener, coming to present how to photograph your art. He also provides professional art photography services which he will discuss, as well. His business is At the meeting, we will give a summary of the functions from 2016 and the plans for 2017. This year, there will be a change of several Board Members and we will be voting on new members. As always, we look for member’s feedback and suggestions at the meeting, as well. Please try to make this very important meeting.
- VPS Website – It’s time to start populating the new website with your new images and professional art information. Follow the instructions on the new VPS website at ABOUT, Policy and Procedures for the way to submit images for inclusion on the VPS Gallery.
Cindy Griffith