VPS Newsletter January 2019
Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do.
Edgar Degas
Our new year has just begun;
We have two workshops scheduled and two exhibitions in the works; Regional hubs now have some VPS money to help enrich their activities.
And it can only get better!
Continue reading below for more details.
May-June, 2019: Juried Show, White River Craft Center, Randolph, VT
July 29-August 2, 2019: Richard McKinley Workshop E. Montpelier, VT
September 2019: Members’ Exhibition, T W Wood Gallery, Montpelier, VT
September 14-15, 2019: Jacob Aguiar Workshop, Bennington, VT
It was decided at the board meeting in October, and presented at the annual
membership meeting in November, to give money to each hub, in the form of a
pledged amount per year. There will be an equal amount of $100 promised to each
hub, with an additional $5 per member to allow hubs to get speakers, attend
museums, purchase materials needed, etc., to broaden the range of activities they
participate in. Procedures to follow to get reimbursed will be given to the hub point
people in the coming month. So let us know what you are doing with the money!
Our annual Members’ Exhibition will be at the T W Wood Gallery in September and
our Juried Show is scheduled for spring (May-June) at the White River Craft
Center, Randolph, VT. One new item of interest was discussed at the Membership
Meeting in November: the VPS will be using an on-line submission platform
(perhaps OnlineJuriedShows.com) for our Juried Show to eliminate some of the
many hours of work it takes Susannah to put on such a show. That means that there
will be an entry fee required to submit your pastel(s) to be juried into the VPS Juried
Show (not for the Members’ Exhibition). The VPS will still obtain its own jurors, will
still have the show in a real venue, and will still have a judge come to the venue to
select award-winners. So only the entry process has changed.
An initial announcement has gone out for the Richard McKinley workshop, July 29-
August 2, 2019 requesting interested participants to enter their name into a lottery,
as the expected interest in this workshop will be great. As this will be a multipronged
process, keep an eye out for a Constant Contact detailing the next steps.
Linda Masten is organizing a workshop for September 14-15, 2019, with Jacob
Aguiar. Details for this exciting event will be forthcoming.
Also, see Board News below for more workshop news!
Cindy Griffith is partnering with John Landy (VPS: Central) as VPS Website comanagers. Together they have implemented a new on-line system for paying
membership dues, bringing the VPS into the 21st century. You can enter your
membership information on line, then use your credit card/debit card or PayPal
account, if you have one, to pay. Please be assured, that VPS will not keep any
personal or credit/debit card info on the website. Maggie, as membership secretary,
will be relieved of much paper work, so please use this method, if you can, for
paying your dues.
Additionally, if you want your image changed in the VPS Website Gallery, please use
this link: https://vermontpastelsociety.com/policies-procedures/
We have a new board member, Shelli DuBoff, (VPS: SouthWest) as member-at-large.
She will be taking over the DVD lending library duties from Grace Cothalis, to allow
Grace to devote herself to assisting VPS members in organizing workshops
And speaking of workshops, the VPS board also approved money for workshop
scholarships. Joyce Kahn, the other member-at-large, will be the head of workshop
scholarships, and she, Grace Greene, and other VPS members will be letting us know
in the coming months the details of applying for one and the process for deciding on
who will be awarded them and the amounts to be awarded. So please apply if you
want to attend a workshop, but find it difficult to manage financially.
We are who we are from the imagination, vision, and dedication that you all give to
our organization. Keep it coming, as you keep on art-making!
Matt Peake
VPS President