The Board meets, normally, on a quarterly basis and all VPS members are encouraged to participate.  Please contact any Board member if you are interested in participating.  VPS is ALWAYS looking for volunteers to help organize activities within VPS.

The Board annually works to support members in an annual juried VPS exhibit, an all-members exhibit, annual membership meeting and other activities the members volunteer to organizer, such as artist workshops or demonstrations.


VPS: Web Presence:

Our webmaster updates the VPS member gallery periodically throughout the year.  If you’d like to have two of your paintings added to the VPS gallery, please carefully follow the procedures Member Gallery Participation.  Instructions show you how to submit images and artist statement for inclusion on the VPS Member Gallery page.  If you have any specific questions, contact: [email protected].


International Association of Pastel Society Membership:

Membership in the Vermont Pastel Society automatically grants you membership in the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS).  Check out their website at:  for further information  on their upcoming activities and competitions. To participate in IAPS activities you’ll need a “Proof of Membership”. Whenever you might need this, send me your request and I’ll email you a “Proof of Membership” on VPS letterhead as an attachment.

Connect with Local Artist via Regional Hubs:

Not only do you have all the statewide benefits of VPS, you also have the opportunity to belong to a Regional Hub near you where friendships, connections and small group activities occur on a regular basis.  When  you join VPS, your introductory correspondence from VPS will state the Regional Hub in which you are assigned based on where the Regional Hubs routinely meets.  Locations are Montpelier, Middlebury, Burlington, Brattleboro, Bennington and White River Junction.

VPS is You:

We hope to support all VPS members in connecting with one another to share resources and to develop as artists. Offering local and regional programs is a way to do this. The VPS membership covers a large area. Most members are currently in the Montpelier and Burlington areas, so members organize activities in those areas most frequently. But we strongly encourage all members, especially those in other parts of the state, to feel free to organize regional paint-outs, critiques, workshops, DVD viewings, exhibits, and so forth. VPS can support many of these activities with how-to information and sometimes with funding.   You can propose any idea to the VPS President or another member of the Board (See the About page), design your program, publicize your event, and then forward information about attendance, etc. back to the Board. If you will need funding (e.g., to hire a workshop leader), we will need to know that at least 30 days prior to the event. VPS events only happen because a member or group of members makes them happen!
