VPS Newsletter April 2019
Even in certain kinds of impressionism, one can more or less imply perspective, but when you paint realistically, perspective has to be perfect.
Daniel E. Greene
Spring is here and the VPS has, and not so quietly, been springing to life;
We have two workshops scheduled and one exhibition almost ready to hang;
Regional hubs are continuing to thrive;
And, as has been said before, it can only get better!
Continue reading below for more details.
May 17-July 6, 2019: Juried Show, White River Craft Center,
Randolph, VT
July 29-August 2, 2019: Richard McKinley Workshop, 4
Corners School House, East Montpelier, VT
September 2019: Members’ Exhibition, TWWood Gallery,
Montpelier, VT
September 21,22 and 23, 2019: Jacob Aguiar Workshop,
Taraden, 183 Park Street, North Bennington, VT
Our regional hubs continue to meet regularly, with VPS:SouthEast, VPS:MidState, and VPS:Champlain being the most active ones, at least as far as being reported through Hub Happenings. If other hubs are doing things, please let Judy Albright know so she can share your activities on Hub Happenings with the whole membership. Ideas and
opportunities your hub finds interesting offer options to other hubs as well!
Remember that VPS now has allocated money for hubs to use ($100 promised to each hub, with an additional $5 per member) for hubs to get speakers, attend museums, purchase materials needed, etc., to broaden the range of activities they participate in. Procedures to follow to get reimbursed have been given to the hub point people. So let us know what you are doing with the money!
Our Juried Show is scheduled for hanging on May 11, 2019 at the White River Craft Center, Randolph, VT. We used an on-line submission platform, Online Juried Shows (OJS), for our Juried Show this year to eliminate some of the many hours of work it takes to put on such a show. As of midnight, March 31, the deadline for entries, VPS artists have submitted over 70 entries. The jurors go to work from April 1-7, choosing the best 20-25 paintings submitted. Special thanks to Laura Winn Kane for coming on board as Exhibitions Co-Chair with Susannah Colby to help make this year’s Juried Show a reality. And more thanks—in advance—to VPS: Upper Valley for hosting the
2019 VPS Juried Show!
The Richard McKinley Workshop, July 29- August 2, 2019 is now full, with18 participants and three on the waiting list.
Thank you to Joyce Kahn for successfully promoting and filling this workshop!
The workshop for September 21-23, 2019, with Jacob Aguiar, is also full, but new names can be put on a waiting list should current registrants need to drop out. Anyone who signed up by March 31 got into the workshop and will be getting an email
soon with payment details. Please note that the workshop has been changed to a new location, Taraden, 183 Park Street, North Bennington, VT.
Thanks to Linda Masten or Shelli DuBoff for their stewardship in securing a great instructor and in making this workshop happen for the VPS.
Board members are working, as we go to press, on the VPS Workshop Scholarship program that was approved by the board and membership last year. Please check the VPS website for details!
As a reminder, if you want your image changed in the VPS Website Gallery, please use this link: https://vermontpastelsociety.com/policies-procedures/ .
We are who we are from the line, shape, color and texture that you all give to our organization. Keep it coming, as you keep on art-making!
Matt Peake VPS President