What can you submit to our Noteworthy News?
Guidelines: Noteworthy news about VPS members can be submitted for things such as exhibits, awards, special commendations, etc. This page is not for promoting artist business or merchandise. Submit noteworthy news to the webmaster ([email protected]), in the following format:
-News will be posted monthly.
VPS Champlain Hub Hosts Aline Orman Workshop
Lisa May – Solo Pastel Show
Dorset Village Public Library
13 Church St, Dorset VT
Months of May & June 2024

Pawlet VT, Lisa May
Mathew J Peake, Rockingham,VT
2nd International Pastels Plus Exhibit, an On- line Juried Show sponsored by Central Mass Pastel Society
Central Massachusetts Pastel Society – Pastels Plus 20214

Primaries, Primarily, Matthew J Peake

Black & White and Red All Over, Matthew J Peake
Laura Winn Kane, South Burlington, VT
“A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words”
October 1-28, 2023
Pierson Library Shelburne, VT
12pm to 5pm Sunday & Monday, 10am to 7pm Tuesday, 10am to 5pm Wed – Sat
I enjoy when people create their own stories about the arrangements within my paintings, however, for this exhibit of ten pastel paintings — in a library setting — I decided that the pieces should include written explanations to help viewers know a bit about my personal background and approach to each work. The written words are not required to understand, appreciate, or even dislike the paintings, but provide some additional interest.

Laura Winn Kane, “Places We Have Been”
Judy Greenwald Takes First Place
Central Hub member Judy Greenwald takes first place in Pastels at the Northern Vermont Artist Association 92nd June Juried Show at the Visions of Vermont Art Gallery in Jeffersonville, Vermont. Please be sure to join her hub colleagues with offering your congratulations.
The exhibit runs through July 1, 2023 at Visions of Vermont, 94 Main St., Cambridge, VT 05444
Pic coming soon…..
Landscapes in Pastel – An Exhibit by John Landy
John is thrilled to present his first solo exhibit. The majority of painting in the series were painted during the past year and includes a combination of works created independently, part of group challenges and class studies.
Becky Cook – Participating in Eclectricity Exhibit
VPS Central Hosts Same Painting Challenge – April 2023
The challenge was presented by Grace Worcester and the challenge image by Diane Szlachetka. The participating group met via ZOOM and enjoyed the spending time discussing results and differing interpretations.
- Reference Pic – Stowe Farm
- Diane Szlachetka
- Grace Worcester
- John Landy
- Katherina Ravenhorst-Adams
- Richard Foster
- Susan Ross Grimaldi
Judy Greenwald Shares Story of Sales Success
Judy recently shared her story of sales success in an email exchange with VPS President Matthew Peake. Together, Judy and Matt agreed it’s a story worth sharing.
Judy’s Story
Hi Matthew, I don’t imagine you know me specifically, but I am a member of the Central Hub. I am 88 years old and have shown my work for several years at Artisans Gallery in Waitsfield. I recently had a show at Cafe Espresso in Barre. It’s an old Vermont type coffee shop …and I emphasize old!!!! I had previously only showed my work in galleries and high end shows which take huge chunks of sales as commissions. I had not expected anything from this showing and only did it as a favor for a friend. I sold 11 paintings and 15 prints. My work usually sells from $795 to $995. I priced the 36 paintings at those prices minus the usual 40% commissions and the prints remained the same at $50. These were just ordinary people having coffee…not art collectors per se. I had some good publicity…all the local papers and Seven Days, but I understand people just oohed and aahed at all my colorful landscapes, fish and animal paintings.
I think there is a lesson here for all members….and I’m just sending this to you as an idea for a discussion at some meetings. I do not want to be an example or speak to this point at any meetings as I am very laid back and do not seek any notoriety. I just think our artists should not be afraid to show at venues other than galleries, etc. After all we are all seeking sales. Happy New Year, Judy Greenwald
Matt’s Response
Judy, we must’ve met, but I have to confess sometimes I forget faces. But I know your work and I love your story. You are totally correct, that it isn’t only a gallery that will sell your work with their staff, but your work itself will sell in places where people can see it and I guess that’s the mission—to put it out there in front of people and the artwork will speak for itself. Just like you found. Congratulations and thank you for letting me know about this. I would really consider getting it to John Landy so he could post your experience on our VPS website in the noteworthy news section that we talk about in the newsletter. Happy new year and thanks again. Matt
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