MEETING MINUTES (Pending Membership Approval)

Vermont Pastel Society

Annual Members Meeting

October 21, 2024

(meeting was held online via Zoom)

Present: John Landy, Kristen Varian, Mark Grasso, Matthew Peake, Ann Wickham, Louise Kenney, Linda Masten, Connie Filbin, Shirley Carlson, Cindy Griffith, Diane Szlachetka, Grace Cothalis, Lisa Solbert-Sheldon, Kate Cone, Judy Albright, Lynn Couey, Rosalie Coburn, Susan Tucker, Barbara Mason, Nancy Merrolle, Maggie Smith, Marianne Neily, Shelli DuBoff, Joyce Kahn and Sarah Albert.

Matthew Peake, VPS President called the meeting to order at: 6:06 pm.

Matt asked for a motion to approve minutes of last annual VPS meeting October 26, 2023. A motion was made by Mark and seconded by Shirley. Motion passed. Discussion of minutes:  2 errors were noted and subsequently corrected by the secretary. We voted online to approve the minutes, 20 out of 21 voted to approve the corrections.

  1. Hub Report: (Marcia)

Marcia was not in attendance at this time so we deferred to Ann Wickham for an exhibitions update.

  1. Exhibitions: (Ann Wickham)

Members’ Exhibition: Very successful show, great venue at Southern Vermont Art Center (SVAC) in Manchester. 23 paintings sold. There will be a new exhibition director in the new year at SVAC. At the beginning of the new year, Ann will try to secure that space with the new exhibition person for the Members Exhibition every three years. The VPS Central hub hosted Juried Show is at the TW Wood Gallery in Montpelier is open through November 24.  28 artists are participating in this show with 44 paintings. The reception which was held Friday Oct., 4th, 5-7 pm was well attended. Pickup for that show is scheduled for Monday, November 25, 2024 from 12-2.

The next Members Exhibition will be hosted by the MidState hub April 11- late May 2025 with Judy Albright and Lou Kenney hosting. It will be at the Chaffee Art Center in Rutland and there will be enough space for everyone will be able to have 2 paintings there.

The 2025 Juried Show will be hosted by the SouthEast hub in the Fall of 2025. The venue is Vermont Artisan Designs in Brattleboro, no specific dates on that at this time. Members Exhibition for 2026 is in the very early planning stages to secure a venue and will be hosted by the Champlain hub.

  1. Workshops Report: (Mark)

We have had 2 successful workshops this year: Aline Ordman and Barbara Jaenicke

Coming Up:

Corey Pitkin: May 17-19, 2025 – Bennington. More figurative drawing than portrait focused.

Liz Haywood-Sullivan: October 3-5 2025 – Bennington

There is also an opportunity to have a summer workshop in 2025.

2026 Workshops:

Lyn Asselta – Spring Workshop (no dates yet)

Jane McGraw-Teubner- Fall Workshop (no dates yet)

  1. Webmaster Report: John

We have kept web expenses below $1000.

Regarding website visitor use, the “members gallery” gets the most visitors which has been consistent during John’s term as Webmaster.

Where are our web visitors from? Mostly the US however there an many visitors from foreign countries. Most of John’s work on the website in the past 3-4 months has been battling “inappropriate attempts” for individuals to log into the administrative functions or the website. On September 16th 2024 they tried to access the administrative functions over 50 times, and on one day last month there were over 700 attempts. None of our members have any confidential information stored on the website so there is nothing that anyone will find. The VPS board agreed at our last meeting that we would upgrade our software to protect the website from this kind of use. In addition to blocking some of these visits, this software will give us more information: individual IP addresses that have made many attempts to log in, gives the webmaster the ability to block countries, anyone from any of the countries that make very frequent attempts will not be able to get into the site. John has implemented the upgrade approved at the last board meeting and the activity is now “gone.” John will continue to monitor the website for these visits, however he is pleased with the safety that the software upgrade is providing.

  1. Treasurers Report: Linda Masten

Linda provided the board with the VPS 3rd Quarter Financial Report. January 1- September 30, 2024 however it was not available in that moment for the board to see online. It was agreed that this would be available after the presentation of the Proposed 2025 budget.

Proposed 2025 Budget: Linda recommended some minor adjustments to the proposed budget including several line items.

We added Liability Insurance ($1,000) which we’re going to investigate in the upcoming year

We’re going to increase the amount of the 2 scholarships to each workshop (3 workshops=6 scholarships) $250 each, so that the amount in the budget for scholarships is increased to $1,500. We increased the Hub allocations from $200 for each hub to $300 each, plus $5 per member. The dollar amounts for awards at shows were increased as well, for the Juried Show we’re increasing prize money to $500, $300, $200 and $100. The Member Show prizes will also be increased to $300, $200 and $100. Each Hub will have $300 to set up shows, (food, posters, postcards). We are going to dissolve our video library and divide the video’s up between the 6 hubs.

Total expenses are estimated be $12,095.00.

Matt asked if there were any other questions about the budget? There were none. A motion was made by Mark to accept the budget, Cindy seconded the motion. Matt asked if there was any further discussion about the budget? A vote was called. 21 voted “yes” out of 25 people online. The 2025 budget was approved. 

 Third Quarter Budget Report:

The VPS 3rd Quarter

Linda reported that the net profit from the Aline Ordman workshop was $1,039.72. Income year to date is $21, 758.94, expenses year to date are 10, 422.48 as of September 30th, 2024. Which gave us a $24,318.02 balance. We have a certificate of deposit of $10,315.20. VPS net worth (with CD) is 34,633.22. We do not have as much money as it looks like we have, because we had 2 big workshops with B. Jaenicke and a lot of money was taken in. Since the September 30th report, (the workshop ended in October) Linda went ahead and put the final figures in for the workshop so that we could see “what we really have for a balance.” Expenses for the B. Jaenicke workshop were $10, 261.31. When we remove that money from the account, we have a true checkbook balance of $14, 119.71. There is also the balance of the CD in an account. Linda asked if there were any questions. There were none.

Matt checked to see if Marcia Blanco was present at the meeting to make her report. She was not. Matt asked for a motion to accept all the reports submitted. Linda moved the motion, seconded by Ann. Matt asked if there were any other questions about the reports? There were not. A vote was called. 22 votes were made, all in favor of approving the reports.

6.    Board Elections: There are 10 positions on the board and the terms are 2 years, every year we vote for 5 of those positions that are up for re-election. The current slate of officers is President Shirley Carlson, Ann as Exhibitions Coordinator, Maggie Smith on as Membership Secretary, Webmaster John Landy, Hubs Coordinator Marcia Blanco, and the only thing we don’t have is a Vice President. Is there anyone here at the online meeting who would like to be Vice President, Matt asked. He described the position to the all present and asked if anyone was interested in being the VP? No one responded. Matt called for a vote from VPS members for the 5 officers who were up for election. Linda moved that the members vote, the motion was seconded by Mark. The slate of officers came up on the screens and 21 voted, all in favor of approving the slate of officers.

 Matt is stepping down as President of VPS after 8 years. Board Members expressed their appreciation and thanks. Matthew also expressed his appreciation and thanks.

7. Other Business: Other ideas for spending excess money in our bank account:

Cindy Griffith asked if it might be possible to offer Artist Demo’s during the cold winter months of ’24-’25, free to all VPS members. Matt mentioned that this was great idea. It has been discussed at the previous board meeting and that the folks on the board who were working on this should take note. Linda, asked who was working on this committee. Mark and John reported that they were. Linda asked that we set a “base line” for what money is to remain in the checking account before making arrangements for artists to present to VPS. Matt reported that it was in the minutes, that there should be a year of operating expenses at all times. It’s an important thing for the committee to consider is the base line account figure. Matt asked, anyone else with ideas about what John and Mark can look into?

Connie asked for a roll call of meeting attendees as the Zoom platform does not necessarily provide last names.

Matt asked for motion that meeting be adjourned. Mark moved the motion, and the motion was seconded by Shirley. 23 voted in favor of adjournment.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:56 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Filbin

VPS Secretary


Vermont Pastel Society

VPS- Minutes Board Meeting September 25, 2024

(meeting was held online via Zoom)

Present: John Landy, Kristin Varian, Mark Grasso, Matthew Peake, Marcia Blanco, Ann Wickham, Louise Kenney, Linda Masten, Connie Filbin, Shirley Carlson and Maggie Smith.

Matthew Peake, VPS President called the meeting to order at: 4:12 pm.

Matt asked for a motion to approve minutes of VPS meeting April 17, 2024. Motion was made by Ann and seconded by John. Motion passed.

  1. Hub Report: (Marcia)

As far as Hub Happenings goes, everybody’s gotten something in every month except for the VPS: Central. As far as using their Hub allotments: Champlain is spending it on a workshop with Judy Albright, SouthEast has spent $25 three times on space rental, SouthWest spent $260, however they did not elaborate as to what it was spent on.  Central used their allotment on small awards, to pay for judges, as well as reimbursement for expenses for the Juried Show. UpperValley has been using theirs for space rental and MidState will use theirs for rent for 3 “Paint Togethers” and video lessons.

John who is in VPS: Central reported that they have done a couple of shows this year and they have been very busy getting ready for the Juried Show. John is afraid that Marcia is just not getting the news.

John (VPS webmaster) reported that as far as web announcements for hub shows, etc., they have “completely dried up.” John is not getting information about these activities from our hubs about shows. He wonders if there has been a focus to get things on Facebook and not much attention to our website. Marcia reported that she knew Champlain had a Hub show in Shelbourne and she put that information in Hub Happenings back in June. Mark reported that VPS: SouthWest has a show going on right now, and Marcia reported that that show is in Hub Happenings.

Matt reported that VPS: SouthEast is having a show starting in October, so he will get that information to John for the website.

  1. Exhibitions Report: (Ann)

Members’ Exhibition (ME):  Very successful show, great venue at Southern Vermont Art Center (SVAC) in Manchester. 23 paintings sold. There will be a new exhibition director in the new year at SVAC. At the beginning of the new year, Ann will try to secure that space with the new exhibition person for the ME every three years. The VPS: Central hosted Juried Show (JS) in Montpelier will be opening September 26 and is open through November 24.  The reception is Friday Oct., 4th, 5-7 pm as it coincides with the First Friday event in Montpelier. Ann reported that they would really like a number of board members at the opening reception. There is a VPS workshop in Bennington that starts the same day which may create a conflict for some members, including board members. Several members will try to make it.

Mark commented that the dates for the workshop had been in the schedule for over a year. Ann reported that there has not been that kind of “level” of oversight of these schedule conflicts in the past. She also takes some responsibility for this conflict and reminds the other members that she is in her first year doing this job as Exhibitions Coordinator. Matt commented that he thinks that this is the first time this kind of scheduling conflict has happened and that this is very rare.

Remaining pastel gifts for our VPS to use: there are 24 boxes of 12 pastels each that are new, or lightly used, that can be used as gifts. We used 6 for the ME in Manchester and we have 24 remaining.

There was a question for Ann and Mark from Louise. VPS: Midstate is planning a ME for next spring and they are looking at dates between April 11 and May 23, but we don’t have a reception date yet.  Mark stated that there is a workshop May 17th -19th.

4.Workshops Report: (Mark)

Scheduled Workshops for 2024-2025:

Barbara Jaenicke: October 4-6 and 7-9 2024 – Bennington

Corey Pitkin: May 17-19, 2025 – Bennington

Liz Haywood-Sullivan: October 3-5 2025 – Bennington

There is also an opportunity to have a summer workshop in 2025.

2026 Workshops:

Lyn Asselta – Spring Workshop (no dates yet)

Jane McGraw-Teubner- Fall Workshop (no dates yet)

Ann asked if there are any “guidelines” on record for those working to set up a workshop. Mark said he would get what information he had to her.

Connie shared a concern from folks in her group about the light in the Monument Center in Bennington. Mark responded by saying that he had not heard that concern from anyone either informally or on the workshop feedback sheet.

Ann asked a question about what venue’s charge for workshop space rental? Mark responded by saying that it is usually $50–$100 per day.

  1. Webmaster Report: John

John reviewed the VPS current web expenses with the board. VPS opted for a 2-year billing cycle with our web host to decrease our cost.

John commented on the amount of web traffic to the VPS site by country, the US is number one, but “out of country” activity to the VPS website has shot up. We went through a period where we were getting about 50 hacking attempts a day to access the site. On September 16th it shot up to almost 500 attempts in a single day. Several countries have been blocked from the website. The free upgrades to our web protective software that we have used in the past don’t work as well with this kind of traffic. John proposed that we upgrade the protective software at an additional cost of $55.00 for the first year (introductory price, 58% savings) and then $132.00 a month in subsequent years. This will increase the security features on the website and decrease this unwanted traffic. Given the extra protective software requested, John and Linda spoke to each other about the amount of money needed to budget for the coming year. He had suggested $1000 when requesting funds in an earlier communication with Linda. After a brief discussion between the two, John clarified that he felt that $1000 seemed more than adequate to cover the fees.

Mark moved that the board upgrade to the more protective software for the website. Linda seconded the motion. John commented that the upgrade will give him more analytical tools and information to take a better look at “why” the website is getting so many out of country visitors in a day. John reported that he gets an email every time someone visits the VPS site. With the new upgrade he will be able block some of the unwanted, “nuisance” visits from out of the country. Additionally, other tasks that John has been doing to maintain the website will be covered by the new services available with the upgrade.

The motion to approve the upgrade to Premium Plus passed, unanimously.

  1. Treasurers Report: Linda Masten

Third Quarter Report:

Linda provided the board with the VPS 3rd Quarter Financial Report. January 1- September 25, 2024

She reported Total Income of $24, 518.02

A Certificate of Deposit of $10,315.20

Total Net Worth of $34, 833.22

On October 7, about $12,000 will be spent on the Barbara Jaenicke workshop, bringing our net worth to $22,800.

The Aline Ordman workshop made a profit of $1,3972.00.

Linda anticipates a very small amount of profit for VPS on the Barbara Jaenecke workshops, $1,200 for the 2 separate workshops. $600 for each workshop. This is due to Barbara charging per person for her workshops. Mark added, that we try to get people who price their workshops by the day.

Proposed 2025 Budget: Linda recommended some minor adjustments in the proposed budget including several line items. A discussion had started online before the meeting about using some of the funds that VPS has accrued through workshops and other sources to support the Hubs and members.  One suggestion was an increase from $200 to $300 to the various Hubs. Increases were also suggested in the amount of prize money to winners at our various shows. Also suggested were additional demonstrations at the state-wide membership meeting and other local meetings. Adjustments were made on the Judges fees for exhibitions.  Due to virtual meetings the food and space line item in under “meetings” has been removed.

Matt asked for a motion to approve these 5 reports for Hubs, Exhibitions, Workshops, Treasurers report 3rd quarter, and Webmaster report.  Mark moved approval of the reports; Marsha seconded. The motion was approved.

6.Information on the 2024 Annual Membership Meeting:

 Membership Meeting date and time were set: Monday, October 21, 2024, 6-8 pm

The meeting will be held virtually.

The business portion of the meeting will be for an hour.  This meeting will involve approval of the budget and election of 6 board officers. Then a one hour Zoom demo, possibly by Gail Sibley, will follow. Mark will check to see if she is available.

Board Positions up for election are:  President, Vice President, Webmaster, Hub Coordinator, Exhibitions Coordinator, Membership Secretary. John is going to stay on as Webmaster, Marcia is going to stay on as Hub Coordinator, Ann will stay on as Exhibitions Coordinator, and Maggie is going to stay on as Membership Secretary. Shirley is going to be up for election as President since Matt is “stepping aside after 8 years.” This is our slate for officers. Since Shirley is running for President, and she is currently Vice President, we are looking for a Vice President. No one on the current board offered to be VP, so Matt suggested that we please share this information with other VPS members.

This information will be added to the Hub Happenings going out to members this week.

  1. Spring Board Meeting:

The date for the Spring Board Meeting was set for Monday, April 14, 2025, 4-6pm via Zoom

8.Other business:

Social Media presence: Maggie says Facebook is “pretty active” and Instagram is “fairly active.” Matt commented that it might be a good idea to have a social media coordinator for VPS. Kristin is interested in this idea and will add it to her responsibilities. Matt suggested that coordination with Carol Corliss will be important.

Thank you notes: Matt asked if thank you notes have gone out to regional pastel societies for their monetary awards, as Linda thought this a good idea. Ann reported that she did it last year. The Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod is the only group that sent VPS a note for VPS’s donation. Ann will take on this responsibility and Linda will send her the necessary contact information for the various doners.

Submissions to VPS-sponsored Show or Exhibition:  Can a painting that’s already been submitted to a VPS show be submitted to another VPS show if it hasn’t won an award? After some discussion, it was suggested a painting submitted to one VPS ME or JS cannot be submitted to another VPS ME or JS and that VPS will continue to limit entries to paintings that have been completed within 3 years.

Spending excess money that VPS has accumulated in our bank account. Matt had sent out an email earlier that asked board members for ideas about what we could do with these funds. Mark commented that he would like to see VPS increase the amount of money that goes for awards at shows, and increase the amount of money that goes directly to Hubs. He also was concerned about the idea of fees for workshops being so much lower for VPS members that out-of-state artists who are looking for paying less for the workshops would just apply to be members. Another idea was for a quarterly Zoom video demonstration by a pastel artist (paid $300) for all VPS members to access. Linda suggested that we increase the number of scholarships (from 1 person to 2 persons) for the workshops we offer. The requirements for scholarship ($200) are that they be a VPS member for a specific amount of time, and that they complete a form as to why they want the scholarship. One would need to sign up for the workshop first, and then be considered for the scholarship. Mark suggested increasing the scholarship to $250 to cover about half the cost of the workshop.

John commented that we need to continue to look at using more of the money that we have accumulated, as we are sitting on too much money. Linda suggested that we get rid of the CD of $10,000 (it yields very little interest). Linda suggested that VPS keep a balance in our working (checking) account of $15,000. This would cover 1 year of operating expenses. Extra money would be divided up among the hubs to do what they want.

Matt suggested that we can take care of these adjustments in the budget and then vote on the budget. The other proposed changes need to be worked out with a small group of board members who can present their recommendations to the rest of the board. Linda and Mark volunteered to be part of the small group.

Two board members (Mark and Maggie) had to leave the meeting at this point. The remaining group discussed the details of the increases in show prize money, in number of and amount of scholarship awards, and hub money.

Kristin moved we approve the budget, Louise seconded. Connie suggested that we look at these numbers again next year. Others agreed. Ann asked about having a food and entertainment budget for our shows. After some discussion, $300 was suggested.

Matt asked if the two who moved and seconded the motion would accept a friendly amendment to their budget motion regarding more money to the exhibition funds: food, space and incidentals. It was accepted.

John commented that he thinks that these budget changes will be well received by the membership.

With no further discussion, Matt asked for a vote. Budget was approved.

Insurance: Shirley presented the concern of injuries happening at art shows or galleries or workshops and whether or not we are liable? She gave several scenario examples.

Matt asked if anyone knows if we have ever had insurance before? Shirley offered to be in contact IAPS, and the three pastels societies in the area (Adirondack, NH and PPSCC) to see if other groups have insurance. She will make these calls and inquiries and get back to the board.

Matt asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was made, seconded, and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:27 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Filbin


Vermont Pastel Society Minutes-Board Meeting by email, January 21-24

Present: Matthew Peake, Linda Masten, Marcia Blanco, Maggie Smith, John Landy, Kristen Varian, Connie Filbin, Louise Kenney, Ann Wickham, Shirley Carlson

Matthew Peake called an email board meeting on Jan 21 2024 to see if the Board would nominate Mark Grasso for one of the now 4 Members-at-Large positions on the board. Mark had wanted to stay on the board but couldn’t be accommodated due to our existing bylaws as such. With the newly revised bylaws, now he could become a Board member again.

It was moved and seconded by Marcia and Linda that the VPS board nominate Mark Grasso for the position of Member-at-Large on the VPS Board.

There was no further discussion for over 24 hours, so Matt asked for a vote. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion to nominate Mark Grasso for the position of Member-at-Large. The entire VPS will now be asked to vote via Constant Contact to elect Mark to the Board.

The online meeting adjourned 1/24/2024

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Filbin, Secretary VPS

February 21, 2024

Vermont Pastel Society

Annual Meeting October 26, 2023


(An Annual Meeting was held online via Zoom)

Matthew Peake, President, called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

Participating members were: Matt Peake, Mark Grasso, Linda Masten, Marcia Blanco, Melody Reed, Maggie Smith, John Landy, Shelli DuBoff, Kristen Varian, Judy Albright, Ann Whitcomb, Susan Tucker, Cindy Griffith, Nancy Merolle, Lisa Kent

Approval of Minutes-Kristen Varian moved, Mark seconded, to approve the minutes of the last annual meeting, October 12, 2022. Motion passed; minutes were approved.

Hub News – Marcia reported who the hubs’ point persons are and said many of the hubs have not used their allocations.

Central – Cindy Griffith/Sandra Conklin – $320

Champlain – Lisa Kent – They have used their allocation of $255

MidState – Judy Albright – $285

SouthEast – Deedee Jones – $270

SouthWest – Linda Masten – They have used their allocation of $260

UpperValley – Kate Cone – $250

Linda Masten stated that VPS: SouthEast still has their allocation for this year. Hubs who have not yet used their allocation for this year can request it before year’s end, but use it for something in 2024.

Exhibitions Report – It was reported that that the Members’ Exhibition (ME) was shown in a venue great for an exhibition, but not for sales. Ann Whitcomb received People’s Choice award with 9 out of 75 votes, (votes were broadly distributed). Linda said the show was advertised but not talked about during the 20-minute tours, but at the end of the tours, people were given the ME title and price sheet. People then went in to see the show on their own and vote. Linda commented that the museum folks did what they were supposed to do and were very cooperative.

The VPS Juried Show (JS) at Long River Gallery in White River Junction is ongoing. Ann stated that the painting that had won first prize had recently sold, and the show is up until the third week of November. The show looks really nice, the opening was well-attended and went very well.

Upcoming shows 2024 were reviewed. Matt stated that the ME, is usually held at Southern Vermont Arts Center when VPS: SW hosts,  and Matt has contacted the artistic director, and is still waiting to hear from her. VPS: Central is due to host the JS next year. Linda suggested sending the hubs the schedule for hosting shows.

Workshops Report – Mark shared his screen to give his report. The Tony Alain workshop was divided into two sections. One 2-day and one 3-day workshop. Feedback was very good. Participants said Alain is a great artist but participants would have liked more one-on-one time with him. The other two workshops offered didn’t get enough sign-ups to run.

There will only be two workshops offered in 2024. They include Aline Ordman, May 3-5, at First Congregational Church in Essex Junction, the price TBD. And a workshop by Barbara Jaenicke, an excellent instructor, will be in October 4-6 in Bennington. Venue TBD.

John commented that for the first time a scholarship was used. Scholarships are available but only if applied for. Linda stated that the scholarship availability is listed on the application paperwork so artists are aware when they apply.

Webmaster Report – John reported that maintenance to the website has gone easier this year. The Home page is the #1 visited page. #4 is a new page for Hub exhibitions, and it was used most in mid-summer. Information for individual or solo shows can be posted and found on the Noteworthy News page. Most traffic is coming from the USA. John suggested members update their pages. Information for how to do that is on the website but he can help members create their page if needed.

VPS has a Google Drive. All the documents and information are filed and stored there so that individuals do not need to keep VPS information on their personal computers. Everything is on the Google Drive making it easier to access needed information or documents when new members come onto the board. Board members can speak with John about how to access it.

There are a couple places on the VPS website to find who to contact with certain questions. The Regional Hub leaders are listed for activities pertaining to activities going on within the hubs, and the Board Member’s page will be updated with each board position, and their job descriptions making it easier to determine who you should contact for whatever questions you need answered. This will be updated as soon as John has the updated descriptions.

Treasurer’s Report – Linda reported that the proposed budget was approved by the board. A couple changes that were made included eliminating the library budget, and reducing the scholarship fund to $400 ($200 for each scholarship). Hub allocations will be determined according to membership. Overall, there wasn’t much change to the budget.

Matt asked for a motion to approve the budget for 2024; Marcia so moved; seconded by Kristen. The motion passed.

Matt asked for a motion to approve the committee reports; Judy Albright so moved; John seconded. The motion passed.

Board Elections – Motion was made by Judy Albright for the secretary to cast one ballot for the slate of nominees (as listed below); seconded by John Landy. There was no discussion or comments. Motion passed unanimously.

Vice President – Shirley Carlson

Secretary – Connie Philbin

Treasurer – Linda Masten

Members at Large

#1 Louise Kenney

#2 Kristen Varian

Director of Exhibitions – Ann Whitcomb

Revision of the Bylaws. – Matt stated that the job descriptions of the various positions needed to be changed to reflect what board officers are actually doing. Also, more VPS artists wanted to serve on the board this year than the 10 that the current Bylaws allowed, so we need to consider enlarging the board by 2 members. Judy Albright asked if some of the positions could be co-chaired. Matt said that change might be considered. A subcommittee may be formed to look at what changes may be needed to the Bylaws, then present those recommendations to the board for approval, and finally, bring it to the membership for a vote.

Thank You to Departing Board Member – Matt stated that the VPS artists power our organization, but the board of directors steer it. He then thanked the current members who are stepping off the board for their service, some having served on the board for as long as 9 years.

Other Business- Marcia stated she just put into the Google Drive an itemized pdf with photos of all the items that were donated, and if board members would like to take a look at it, they can find it there. Maggie asked who will be organizing workshops with Mark stepping down. The current Bylaws say it will fall to the new Vice President. Mark will help with the transition.

Matt asked for a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Mark so moved and Linda seconded. The motion passed unanimously: meeting was adjourned at 7:23 pm.

Post meeting a video featuring a demonstration by Matt Peake and Judy Albright on using collage as an underpainting was shown to attending members. Judy said she’d send it to Marcia for Hub Happenings.

Respectfully submitted,

Melody Reed

VPS Board Meeting Minutes April 19, 2023  

Present: Matt Peake, Mark Grasso, Shelli Duboff, Linda Masten, Marcia Blanco, Melody Reed, Maggie Smith, John Landy, Grace Cothalis

Matt Peake called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Motion was made and seconded to approve minutes of VPS Board Meeting of September, 28, 2022. Motion passed unanimously; minutes as amended were approved.

1.Hubs Report: (Marcia) 

  • No Hub money has been distributed.
  • Hubs have been meeting regularly. Marcia has been sending a “Hub Happenings” to members regarding Hub activities each quarter. Discussion ensued concerning putting “Hub Happenings” on the website. Marcia will send hub news once a month to John for that purpose.

2. Exhibitions Report: (Grace, Marcia, Matt)

  • Member’s Exhibition (ME) (Grace). Prizes are lined up. Lisa, Grace and Phyllis will meet again on May 1st to make sure everything is set. Entries number 15 so far. Some board members at the meeting had just entered, and some will come in last minute as usual. Matt offered to help with the paintings transport from VPS: Central.
  • Juried Show (JS) (Matt) – Matt spoke with, Kathy Detzer, one of the co-owners of Long River Gallery in White River Junction, and will meet with her next Friday to look at the gallery. Space may be limited to 20 or so paintings. There has not been a themed proposed so far. The exhibit is happening for two and half months in the fall, early September and into November.

3. Workshops Report: (Mark)

  • Mark shared his screen and reviewed the report on workshops that are scheduled in 2023. Tony Allain – May 19-23 in Bennington – one 3-day with 16 signed up, and one 2-day workshop with 13 signed up. Karen Israel – July 28-30 in Montpelier has 4 people signed up but 9 are needed. Nancy Nowak – September 8-10 in Bennington. More information will be posted on the website soon.
  • Discussion ensued concerning Scholarships for workshops that are available to VPS Members. There’s never been a request for a scholarship. Scholarship is on the website under the Education tab and an application is available. Since $500/year is put into the workshop scholarship fund which hasn’t been used, the idea of  giving a scholarship to a graduating High School student was discussed. It appears there is a need for workshop scholarships. Matt asked to put the word out in the next workshop flyer. John suggested each Hub can also get the word out. The $500 a year can be broken up, such as $100 given to 5 different people. One of the Board members at large is responsible for the scholarship program, and when an application is received they choose an ad hoc committee to decide who receives the scholarship and how much. Scholarship information and an application will be included in workshop flyers that are sent out to members. Applications will need to be received one month prior to the workshop. The workshop scholarships are available to members only. Board Members are exempt from applying for the scholarships.
  • Discussion ensued concerning people who sign up for membership in order to receive a discount on a workshop at the last minute and don’t become active members. It was decided that in order to be eligible for a workshop scholarship a person will have to have been a member for at least a year. John will make updates to these forms and repost to the website.

4. Treasurer’s Report: (Linda)

  • Linda reviewed the Year End Financials 2022 report and 1st Quarter 2023 report. Linda will send revised reports to the Board which will be attached to these minutes and will be available on the Google Drive.

5. Webmaster Report: (John)

  • Most web traffic to the website is coming from India. 50-75% of the traffic attempts to access website controls. That’s why the security protecting the website was renewed. Twice the website was down due attempted attacks but was able to recover quickly. Daily visitors are 10-45 a day. Page views between 10 and 60. Number one page is the Gallery of Member Art, second is Exhibitions followed by Becoming a Member. Workshops pages didn’t make the top ten list which is an interesting statistic. There have not been many requests to update members’ pages. John’s been cleaning up old content. Drafts of meeting minutes will be put on the website.
  • VPS has a Google Drive where Board Members have access to forms, minutes, guidelines, policy and procedures, etc. John will send out a notice about accessing the Drive. It is a repository for forms and files so when there is a transfer of responsibilities between Board members it makes it easier to access forms, etc. Marketing information can also be included in a folder.

Motion was made by Mark to accept the Committee Reports. Seconded by Marcia. Motion passed unanimously.

6. Signature Membership Offering: (Mark, Matt, John)

  • Mark G. reported on the Signature status membership survey report. Discussion ensued. Only 30 of the 90 members responded. Only a fraction of those wanted to have a Signature Status designation for VPS. The reasons voiced for not having it were more compelling than those for having it. Mark moved to scrap the idea of creating a Signature Status program. Seconded by Linda. Motion passed.

7. Annual Membership Meeting for Fall 2023: (Board) 

  • Topic for demo or presentation – Linda will contact Jacob Aguiar about giving a demonstration at the Annual Meeting.
  • Date and Time of Annual meeting: Thursday, October 26, 6:30 – 8:30, to be held remotely.
  • Board Elections: (Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Member-at-Large#1 and Member-at-Large#2) Discussion ensued. It would be nice to have Board members from different Hubs. Perhaps from Upper Valley and Mid-state. Matt asked Marcia to include a note in the next Hub Happenings, asking members if they would consider joining the board for positions of Secretary, Treasurer and Member at Large.

8. Fall Board Meeting: (Board)

  • A date and time were chosen: Thursday, September 14, 2023, 7-9 pm. To be held remotely

9. Other Business

  • IAPS June 11-16, 2024. The meeting is live in Albuquerque, and they were looking for ideas for presentations. Matt submitted a proposal to talk about how unique VPS Hubs are, how they were formed and how they’ve helped the society. He hasn’t heard anything yet but should hear anytime now. If VPS is accepted Matt would like others to join him. Mark and Shelli are interested in attending.
  • IAPS Global Society Grant was discussed. VPS won’t apply this year.
  • Matt talked about the rack cards, that will be delivered to Park McCullough House for the exhibit. They will also be available for Hubs to use.
  • VPS is a nonprofit so is tax exempt. Matt will get a copy of VPS Tax status to John who will fill out the form needed to present to vendors so VPS isn’t charged sales tax on such things as printing, etc. It will also be made available to Hubs.

Post meeting note: Subsequent to the meeting it was determined that VPS status as an IRS approved 501(c)6 is not eligible for Vermont state sales tax exemption. 

  • Matt thanked everyone for their service on the board.

10. Shelli moved to adjourn the meeting. Marcia seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Melody Reed


Vermont Pastel Society

Annual Meeting October 12, 2022

An Annual Meeting was held online via Zoom

Matthew Peake, President, called the meeting to order at 7:12 pm

Participating were: Matt Peake, Mark Grasso, John Landy, Maggie Smith, Jeanne Smith, Kathrena Ravenhorst-Adams, Ann Wickham, Linda Masten, Louise Kenney, Kirt Lapham, Lynn Couey, Pat McPike,  Annie Halvorsen, Cindy Griffith, Anne Merolle,  Judy Albright, Diane Szlachetka, Marcia Blanco, Carol Naquin, Shelli Duboff, Melody Reed

Approval of MinutesMark made a motion seconded by John to approve the minutes of the last annual meeting, October 21, 2021 and the email meeting of April 12-16, 2022. Motion passed: minutes were approved without comment.

Hub News – Cris reported who the hubs’ point persons are, and the 2023 allocation amounts to be received by the various hubs. More Hub news is available on the website.

Central – Cindy Griffith/Sandra Conklin – $295

Champlain – Lisa Kent – $260

Mid-state – Judy Albright – $280

South East – Deedee Jones – $300

South West – Linda Masten – $260

Upper Valley – Kate Cone – $240

Exhibitions – Matt reported VPS: Mid State hosted a Members’ Exhibition (Jun/Jul 2023), VPS: South East is hosting the Juried Show now hanging at Vermont Artisan Designs in Brattleboro (Oct/Nov 2022). Judging will be done by Dawn Emerson, and awards will be presented at First Friday Art Walk in November. VPS: Champlain will be hosting the VPS Members’ Exhibition in Spring, 2023 at the Milton Art Guild. The VPS Juried show will be hosted by VPS: Upper Valley at the Long River Gallery in White River Jct. in late Fall/Winter 2023.

Workshops – Mark reported in 2022 there was a virtual workshop with Lyn Asselta in March, an in-person Alain Picard workshop in August, and coming up in October, an in-person workshop with Dawn Emerson.

In 2023 planned workshops are with Tony Alain in Bennington, May 19-21; with Karen Israel, in East Montpelier, August 4-6 (could possibly be the following weekend – depending on venue); and with Nancy Novak in Bennington ,September 29 – October 1. In Autumn 2024, Barbara Jaenicke will hold a workshop.

Webmaster Report – John reported on the status of the VPS website. He would like to see more members use the benefits of the website. There are 100 visitors per day to the website, and the number one page used by visitors is the Member Gallery. All VPS members can have an image posted on the home page and one on the Member Gallery page, each one, when clicked on, takes the viewer to the Member Page, where both images can be viewed along with the artist’s written information. Only about half VPS members are taking advantage of this. Another feature that members can take advantage of is the Member News page where a member can post any information that they’d like to share with the society as a whole, such as, exhibitions they’re in, etc. John keeps the site updated, looks at various tracking statistics, and especially makes sure security measures are updated on a regular basis. John encouraged everyone to take a look at the website and take advantage of the member benefits. John encouraged members to contact him with suggestions for improvements, enhancements, etc. and added that he takes recommendations seriously. Member information/photos can be sent to John to be put on the website.

Treasurer’s Report – Linda reported on the 2023 budget which will be much the same as last years. Mark moved to accept the budget for 2023 as presented, seconded by Shelli. Motion passed pending allocations adjustments.

Cris moved to accept all reports submitted, seconded by Mark. Motion passed.

Board ElectionsLinda moved to accept nominations and to elect the following members to the following board positions, seconded by Grace. Motion passed.     

          President—Matt Peake

         Webmaster—John Landy

Membership Secretary—Maggie Smith

Director of Hubs—Marcia Blanco

Signature Status for VPS – Matt brought up a topic that was raised in the survey concerning developing a VPS Signature Status. The discussion revolved around how various pastel societies around the country approach it. There are no set criteria and each society makes up its own rules.  It was decided that this issue should be put before the society membership as a whole. Cris moved that the VPS establish a Signature Status document for presenting to the membership, seconded by Marcia. After more discussion Cris amended her motion to read, “to form a committee to explore the idea of Signature Status by creating a draft procedure or policy.” Seconded by Marcia. Motion passed as amended, 18-2. Cris offered to be on this committee to help craft this document, as did others at the meeting.

Thank You to Departing Board Member–Matt thanked Cris for her service as Hub Coordinator and welcomed new Hub Coordinator Marcia Blanco.

Motion to adjourn was seconded and passed unanimously: meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Melody Reed


VPS Board Meeting Minutes September 28, 2022

Present: Matt Peake, Mark Grasso, Cristine Kossow, Shelli Duboff, Linda Masten, Melody Reed, Maggie Smith, John Landy, Grace Cothalis

Matt Peake called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

Motion was made and seconded to approve minutes of VPS Board Meeting of Apr 6, 2022 and the email meeting of Apr12-16, 2022. Motion passed unanimously; minutes were approved.

  1. Hubs Reports –
  2. Cris gave a brief synopsis of what the hubs are doing.

VPS: SouthWest didn’t meet during the summer, but met last Thursday and will meet via Zoom during the winter months. Usually 4-6 people in attendance. Spent a good portion of their hub money on a custom-made frame/sign to put on an easel when they have their shows. Most meetings are centering around upcoming shows and critiques of monthly assignments and paintings done during the month.

VPS: SouthEast met on May 9, July 11 and Sept 1, and had not met for many months before May. About 8-10 present. They’ve been working on plans for the Juried Show in Brattleboro and another hub show in Brattleboro, and two shows this fall have been challenging for them. When there’s time they are sharing paintings and critiques. They’re looking forward to a return to an art and artist conversation and not an organizing-a-show conversation. Their hub allotment for 2022 is $185. But with the November show fee of $300, each member will need to pay $10 for the show.

VPS: Central had a show at T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier.  They will meet via Zoom now that colder days are coming.

VPS: Champlain has been meeting monthly and averages 6 people. Discussions vary around homework assignments, planning for future shows, discussion of workshops and materials. They painted plein air in May and July, and are planning another plein air outing in October. They have 4 new members. They hosted Aline Ordman to do a 2-hour demonstration with Q & A, which was very well-attended, and well-received. They agreed it was a worthy way to spend their hub allotment. Planning another show in 2023.

VPS: MidState met Sept. 28. They took the summer off. The in-person meeting today had 7 people. They planned dates for October, November, and January, taking December off for the holidays. They will vote to use their allotment money toward renting a space to paint. Anything left will be used for Lux Archival paper which will distributed among members.

VPS: Upper Valley met in May with 6 members for a plein air outing in Quechee, otherwise they haven’t been very active.

  1. Hub Coordinator Candidate – Cris reported that she has spoken with Marcia Blanco who will be a candidate for Hub Coordinator, and is looking forward to participating. Cris offered to help Marcia as she transitions into that role.
  2. Exhibitions Report (Maggie/Matt)
  3. Juried Show (JS) Oct 2022 hosted by VPS: SE: Maggie and Matt have been coordinating the details with lots of help from members. Maggie said the planning and lead up to the JS have gone smoothly, and all the paintings were dropped off. Matt explained that Vermont Artisan Designs is open seven days a week, and sells a lot of fine art and crafts, so it is a good venue for showing work. Matt asked a question concerning what to do if a piece is sold, should the buyer leave with the artwork or do we request to keep it hanging through the end of the show? Discussion ensued. Dawn Emerson is judging the show in late October so the VPS show opening will be on Brattleboro’s First Friday in November, and winners will be announced then. Matt thinks the artwork should stay on the walls at least until the show has been judged. Maggie said Greg, who runs the business, has a list of the artists and will contact them in the case of a sale. John L. raised a concern about buyers not returning to actually making the purchase when they can’t take possession at the time of sale. It will be the artists’ decision in any event. Mark G. suggested an option could be that the judge uses a digital image of the painting that was sold. Matt said since great pains were taken to have a judge come in person to view and judge the paintings that the judge see the painting “in the flesh.” Linda suggested the shop owner get a deposit from the buyer to hold the painting until the end of the show. Matt will talk with Greg about this issue.
  4. Juried Show going forward – Matt raised a concern about late entries for the JS. He wondered whether teaming up with other pastel societies in the area would help, and asked if anyone thought that was an interesting option to get a bigger pool of entries. Discussion ensued. John L. asked if there was much of an impact or concern about having numerous hub shows on the same dates. Grace offered the idea of a discount for early entries. Matt said Show Submit doesn’t have options for discounting early entries. It’s harder to get a JS and Members’ Exhibition (ME) scheduled because you have to plan a year or more ahead. Local hub shows should be worked around the JS. Hub shows have few restrictions so the artist has a lot of paintings to choose from so shouldn’t be a problem doing shows at the same time, just need to be organized. John L. wondered if having more than 4 shows at the same time could have an impact on the number of entries received. Mark G. explained other societies do national shows, do draw from a larger pool of artists. National shows require the society to accept shipping, and they’re a lot of work. Linda suggested doing joint hub shows such as Brattleboro and Bennington. The board liked this idea as it’s still serving the VPS members while increasing the pool of possible show entries.

Next year VPS: Upper Valley has the JS, and VPS: Champlain has the ME. Milton Art Guild agreed to do the ME, and can take up to 80 paintings for a late summer/early fall show. Long River Gallery in White River Jct. (one of the VPS members is a co-owner there), suggested November/December for a show. Matt will call and see if one of the galleries can switch to a Spring date.

  1. Workshops Report
  2. Mark shared his screen and reviewed the report on workshops that happened in 2022. His report included results of evaluations of the Alain Picard workshop. The same evaluation process will be available for the Dawn Emerson workshop.
  3. Dawn Emerson arrives three days before the workshop and will be staying several days. She’ll judge the JS, and then set up and conduct her workshop the next day. Shelli will be hosting Ms. Emerson for the duration of her stay. Fourteen members will be taking the workshop.

Three workshops are scheduled for 2023: Tony Allain, Karen Israel, and Barbara Janeake.

Matt thanked Mark for conducting thorough reviews of the workshops, adding they were very helpful.

Mark reviewed a cancellation/refund policy that VPS may use for workshops going forward. Mark asked for comments or suggestions concerning the policy. Discussion ensued.

John L. moved to approve and adopt the VPS workshop cancellation policy as written. Linda seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Matt thanked Mark and Linda for their work on creating the policy.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Linda reviewed the treasurer’s report which is included in the minutes. Hub allocation funds for 2023 haven’t been calculated yet. Matt or Maggie needs to request funds for VPS: SE hubs upcoming show fee. A request for rental reimbursement may come from VPS: Upper Valley. Linda will need to write checks for the upcoming awards and send them to Deedee and then they can be filled out the evening of the opening when winners are announced.
  2. Review budget for 2023. There were few changes to the budget. Linda lowered the postage because VPS no longer keeps a post office box. The webhosting and domain fee was reduced because a 2-year rate costs less.

Mark G. moved to accept the Budget Report as presented by Linda. Motion seconded by Shelli. Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Webmaster Report – John L. shared his screen and reviewed maintenance and statistics, and suggested improvements to be made to the website. He asked how long to keep certain content on the website, such as previous exhibitions. Discussion ensued. Cris suggested no longer than 2 or 3 years. John will use that as a guide going forward. The website has 82 pages of information and will be cut back once John gets rid of some of the older content. He will continue to perform regular updating, and carefully remove the unused “plug-ins.”
  2. John L. created a Google Drive for storing VPS documents. Documents taken from the website, and/or board officers who create reports, can be maintained in the VPS Google Drive. Documents can be shared, and the board can decide who has access. Photos can be stored there. Documents can also be linked to the website for sharing purposes. Templates can be stored there as well. John L. can upload documents for any board member or member who needs to have them uploaded to Google Drive.
  3. VPS does not have a Zoom account. Mark G. offered his Zoom account to use for the Annual Meeting.

Motion was made and seconded to approve the Committee Reports. Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Acting on one VPS Membership Survey result.
  2. A question was raised concerning signature status for VPS members. Board members shared their experiences with other societies. Discussion ensued. John L. asked what do artists get out of the deal. Matt said there are rules and so on to achieve “signature status.” When you have “signature status” you get to sign those initials after your name on your paintings. It’s a “status thing.” Once you leave the society you lose your signature status. Maggie is involved with the NH society and one of their rules is you have to have served on a board to be eligible. Other societies do not have this requirement. Maggie suggested putting this question out to the members for a vote. Mark said he could build a poll question. A board member, committee, or whoever would be involved in this would need to come up with criteria and what benefits it grants to a member. Maggie says it’s not a lot of work, and shared how NH handles “signature status.” Either way, the board thought that this would need to be presented to members. Matt will include it as an agenda item for the Annual Meeting in two weeks.
  3. Annual Membership Meeting planning for Oct 12, 2022
  4. Mark G. asked Jeanne Rosier Smith to do an hour long demo, an autumn landscape. Her fee is $300. Business meeting will be first, and then the demo. Mark will ask her to join a little before 8. The meeting is 7 – 9 pm.
  5. Board Elections: (President, Membership Secretary, Webmaster, Hubs Coordinator, Exhibitions Coordinator) Five positions are open. Candidates are: Matt for President. Maggie for Membership Secretary. John L. for Webmaster. Cris is stepping down as Hub Coordinator and Marcia Blanco will be a candidate.
  6. Spring Board Meeting will be held remotely April 19, 2023, 7-9 pm.
  7. Other Business
  8. IAPS June 2024 Meeting is live in Albuquerque and they’re looking for presentations. Matt is wondering if someone should go and talk about how unique VPS Hubs are, how they were formed and how they’ve helped the society. Matt will submit a proposal to IAPS, and, if accepted, the board can decide who goes.

Matt thanked everyone for their service on the board.

  1. Linda moved to adjourn the meeting. Maggie seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Melody Reed


VPS-Minutes of Email Meeting
April 12-16, 2022

An email meeting was held between the dates of April 12-16, 2022 for the purposes of electing a secretary to the VPS board.

Linda Masten moved and Mark Grasso seconded a motion to elect Melody Reed to the VPS board as secretary.

The only item of discussion was to clarify that the responsibilities of secretary did not include managing social media platforms.

After 72 hours of voting, during which the number of those voting constituted a quorum, according to the bylaws, the motion passed unanimously 44 to zero.

Vermont Pastel Society Minutes
Board Meeting April 6, 2022

A board meeting was held online via Zoom.
Matthew Peake, President, called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. Participating were Mark
Grasso, Vice President; Anne Taylor, Secretary; Linda Masten, Treasurer; Cris Kossow,
Hub Coordinator; Maggie Smith, Membership; Grace Cothalis, Director at Large/
Scholarships; Shelli DuBoff, Director-at-Large/DVD Library, and John Landy, Webmaster.

Linda made a motion seconded by John to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2021
board meeting. The minutes were approved without comment.

Hub Coordinator – Cris Kossow
Cris presented the report on hubs with contribution from Linda.Cris reported that most hubs
had become more active in recent months.

VPS: MS had changed its critique to permit suggestions on improvement if the artist
wanted to hear them. Previously comments had been restricted to praise. Members
enjoyed the opportunity for all types of feedback. VPS:SW has always conducted its
critiques in this fashion.

The most recent version of Hub Happenings detailed the activities of other hubs. Of note is
that VPS:CHP had chosen not to use Zoom for meetings but had nevertheless been able to
hold a hub exhibition with 23 paintings displayed. Board members joined Matthew in
praising Cris’ presentation of the activities of the hubs in Hub Happenings.

VPS:SW is reportedly very active but with only four or five consistent attendees. This
compares with VPS:CEN which has meetings of 18 or so members, a majority of its

The question of allocations of funds to hubs was questioned by Linda. 2022 allocation of
hub funds is currently $100 per hub plus $5 for every person in the hub with a paid 2021
membership in VPS prior to 10/1/21. Linda suggested that each hub receive an equal
allotment of funds. After a lively discussion, the board decided immediately to raise the
allocation of each hub to $200, plus $5 for each member, as above. This will be presented
to the membership as a response to survey results where smaller hubs had noted an
inability to pay with their allotted funds for much in line with the purposes of hubs.Points
discussed in connection with the increase in funds included:

❖VPS has enough funds to make larger allotments irrespective of hub member numbers.
❖ All hub members are part of one organisation.
❖ Why should a hub with more members be able to enjoy better activities?
❖ An allotment that is too small defeats the purpose of hub allotments.
❖ Per member allotment encourages hub members to recruit. We do not wish to encourage
this as a reason to recruit.
❖ Per member allotment encourages timely membership renewal by hub members.
❖ Allotment method can always be changed.

Exhibitions (Board position currently vacant) Cris and Mark reported on the 2022

Board members are reminded to review the minutes of October 13, 2021, for information on
the current duties of this position.

Only one member has submitted an entry for our June Members Exhibition in Rutland. The
deadline is May 1, but experience tells us that members usually wait until the last minute to
commit to their choices. This need to wait is exacerbated currently by the opportunity to
enter many area exhibitions. We do not expect to have any shortage of entries.

Cris and Mark had followed up on their commitment last autumn to develop clear entry
requirements for our exhibitions.

VPS:CEN and VPS:SW both have hub exhibitions conflicting in whole or in part with our
Members’ exhibition.

The next juried exhibition will be in October. VPS:SE will meet this month to begin
organising the event.

Reminder of future hub responsibilities:
i. VPS: SW – SVAC, Manchester, VT , 2024, 2027
ii. VPS: CEN – TWWood, Montpelier, VT 2024, 2027
iii. VPS:SE – Vermont Artisans Design, Brattleboro, VT 2022 (Juried
exhibition), 2025, 2028
iv. VPS:MS – Chaffee Art Center, Rutland, VT 2022 (Member s’ exhibition),
2025, 2028.
v. VPS:UV – Somewhere near WRJ, VT 2023, 2026, 2029
vi. VPS:CHP Milton Artists’ Guild, Milton, VT 2023, 2026, 2029

Workshops – Mark Grasso
Mark thanked Cris for regularly including workshop information in Hub Happenings.
In 2022 the following workshops are scheduled:

Alain Picard 8/8/22 – 8/10/22 Painterly Landscapes. Ten have already registered.
Alain Picard 8/11/22 – 8/12/22 portraits. Eight or nine have already registered.
Dawn Emerson 10/21 – 10/23/22

Please submit any ideas for workshops for 2023. In autumn 2024 Barbara Jaenicke will
hold a workshop hosted by VPS.

A survey of attendees of Lyn Asselta’s workshop held virtually in March 2022 revealed that
most were satisfied with the workshop and would recommend it and the artist. One
attendee reported not receiving adequate individual instruction time. This concern will be
reported by Mark to Lyn. Comments noted that new concepts were introduced; that the
workshop was very informative; that the idea of why one paints was developed. There were
about four hours of actual hands-on painting by participants over the two day workshop.

Treasurer’s Report – Linda Masten
Linda reported a checking account balance of $14,994.25 and a Certificate of Deposit
holding worth $10,277.16.

The Lyn Asselta workshop did not quite cover costs owing to the need to pay a facilitator to
ensure a smooth online experience.

VPS recorded a net loss for 2021 of $705.62.

The board discussed the amount of money a society such as ours should have on hand.
John is the treasurer for three organisations and reported that a three times the monthly
operating expense is the typical amount to have on hand. For VPS this would be
approximately $2,500.00.

Webmaster Report – John Landy
The Member Gallery is used by thirty-five members to display their work. Many items are
several years old. John will check whether any of those displaying are lapsed
members of VPS.

VPS acquired one license for Zoom enabling meetings in excess of 40 minutes. However,
the account does not work as we anticipated. The license holder may share usage with
other users, but those users (who remain unlicensed) have only the same usage as with a
free account, i.e. time limit is 40 minutes. Currently only the license holder (one person)
may schedule or start a meeting. John will discuss our dilemma with our Zoom account
representative to explore whether there is a way around purchasing a license for each hub
or having John schedule and start each meeting. The Zoom website states, “You can have
unlimited basic users in an (paid) account, but each plan has specific limits on how many
users can be assigned meeting licenses.” Although this suggests that nine licenses would
be available to us, it means nine may be purchased and if more than nine are needed a
higher annual rate is payable.

VPS:CEN uses the VPS license in John’s name. VPS:MS is using Cris’ personal license.
VPS:UV and VPS:CHP have requested licenses should the hoped-for work around not
materialise. VPS is willing to purchase a license for each hub, but only if there is some
assurance of its regular use.

After John’s conversation with the Zoom representative he is authorised, if necessary, to
purchase two further licenses at a cost of $150.00 each if VPS:UV and VPS:CHP provide
assurances of regular use.

Linda asked John to inquire whether there could be a refund on a one year membership
if the service were only to be used during the winter months.

66% of members responding to the survey (see below) were satisfied with the website as
is. 77% felt that it is important for VPS to have a website.

John’s written report is a part of these minutes.

VPS Membership Survey – Mark Grasso
Mark received 44 responses to a well written survey intended to elicit views on VPS
activities past and future and the wishes of members. Of these 44, 18% reported some
dissatisfaction with their membership.

Hubs are very well received as a benefit although they have been impacted by Covid and
by current hub funds’ allocation methods.

It was suggested by one member that s/he should be able to choose the hub to which to
belong. The board decided that geographic assignment was necessary, but that if hubs
meet by Zoom, or have physical space available there is no reason that a member could
not request to attend one or all hub meetings. Hubs typically know their plan for at least
their next meeting when reporting to Cris for Hub Happenings. Including this
information for each hub supplying it, and noting the ability to participate elsewhere,
can be explained as a further response to survey results.

There seemed to be a slight preference for virtual exhibitions.

Some kind of Signature Status in VPS was suggested.

The availability of scholarships was discussed by the board in reference to comments of
members on the cost of workshops and, for some, lodging to attend. No requests for same
have been received in the past and there is no standard for determining qualification for a
scholarship. The application is available through the website. The Picard workshop
announcement mentions the scholarships. Linda will add that information to the Emerson workshop material. The board will also consider in the future the question
whether workshops should make money for VPS.

Members do not view social media as very important. This may change as our membership
expands. Currently only 20% of respondents wanted a VPS social media presence.
The consensus of the board is that VPS should do a great job on one platform: the website.
Our presence on other platforms is appropriate, but not as important. The board would
consider a plan to encourage use of social media, but currently no one is suggesting that
he or she has time to take this on. Carol Corliss continues to be responsible for posting
material for members on Facebook and Instagram, but is thought not able to add to these
responsibilities at this time.

Some hubs have Facebook and/or Instagram pages, but these are private.

The quarterly newsletter and Hub Happenings are well received.
Mark’s Powerpoint summary of the survey results is a part of these minutes.

Annual Members’ Meeting
This meeting will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, tentatively
beginning at 7:00PM. Ideas for a demo or presentation of some kind are requested.
This is viewed as an incentive to members to attend.

Other Business
PO Box John continues to check the VPS post office box periodically for mail but
reports none except two pieces of junk intended for others. The post office box costs
$204.00 per year. We have maintained it because our Vermont and IRS registrations
require an address for the President. Matthew undertook to provide his home address
for use. The address may be changed in future should the VPS Presidency change,
although this would not be required. The financial saving could go towards the purchase of
Zoom licenses if they are needed.

The post office box fee for the year has already been paid. John will inquire whether a
partial refund will be available should we make the above change.

Record Keeping Mark moved that John be authorised to set up an online account
where information related to VPS business may be stored. Maggie seconded the
motion. John is aware of the need to establish a sensible file structure so that materials,
once uploaded, may be found again and consulted. He agreed to do this and will likely use
the Google Docs platform. The motion passed unanimously. When John has established
the file structure he will invite board members to submit materials, e.g. survey results;
workshop comments; minutes of meetings; perhaps event photographs, etc. Access was
not decided.

Oil pastels The requirements for artworks exhibited in our upcoming Member Exhibition
include their being “at least 90% pastel (oil or soft)”. The board discussed whether work in
oil pastel should be allowed in our exhibitions. The board decided that allowing such work
is in keeping with the history of pastel painting and the VPS statement that “Artists using
both oil and soft pastels are welcome to join.” A compromise was reached that oil pastels
may be en in the Members’Exhibiytion, but in line with the requirements of IAPS, of which
VPS is a member, they may not be accepted into a juried exhibition.

Office of Secretary Melody Reed, who began working in pastels in 1999, has recently
returned to this medium. She has offered to serve as the VPS Secretary, replacing Anne
Taylor who chose not to renew her term. Linda made a motion to call an email membership
meeting to elect Melody as Secretary. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed
unanimously. Mark will use a single question survey for this meeting to vote on
Melody’s nomination as he has done in the past. If a majority of those voting are in favour
of the appointment, Melody will immediately become VPS Secretary.

Recruitment of new members This is a topic the board will address at a later time.
Please note your ideas for consideration then.

Next Board meeting: Wednesday, October 5, 2022, from 7 – 9PM via Zoom

The meeting was adjourned at 9:23PM upon the unanimous passing of a motion by John
and seconded by Cris.

Respectfully submitted,
Anne E. Taylor, Secretary

Vermont Pastel Society Minutes
Annual Membership Meeting, October 21, 2021

The meeting was held online via Zoom.

Matthew Peake, President, called the meeting to order at 6:35pm. Participating were Mark Grasso, Vice President; Anne Taylor, Secretary; Linda Masten, Treasurer; Cris Kossow, Hub Coordinator; Maggie Smith, Membership; Grace Cothalis, Director-atLarge; Shelli DuBoff, Director-at-Large; and John Landy, Webmaster.
Also in attendance were members Carol Corliss, Carrol Durand, Judy Greenwald, Cindy Griffith, Susan Grimaldi, Annie Halvorsen, Deedee Jones, Gwen Nagel, Carol Naquin, Kathrena Ravenhorst-Adams, Wendy Soliday, Walter Sturgis, and Susan Tucker.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The meeting began with a one-hour video presentation by April of Dakota Pastels, arranged thanks to Linda Masten. With April we toured the warehouse viewing pastels, pastel pencils, papers and boards and various shipment areas. April highlighted some products which may have been new to some of us, discussed the hardness of the pastel sticks and what many consider the best colors. April told us that broken sticks and sometimes entire sets are sold at a discount to people who come by the warehouse. If our members are interested, she will work with them to organize a shipment. A new Dakota catalog is expected by the end of 2021.
During our tour we had the pleasure of meeting Craig Lemley, the owner of and moving force behind Dakota Pastels.
Each quarter Dakota Pastels has a competition judged by a different juror. Any pastel painting may be entered and if it does not win with one juror, may be entered again. The link to the competition is on the home page of Dakota Pastels.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The business portion of the meeting began at 7:40pm following profuse thanks to
April and Linda.

Linda Masten made a motion seconded by Shelli DuBoff to approve the minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting held on November 9, 2020. The motion passed and the minutes were approved as written.

Hubs Report: Cris Kossow reported on hub activity.
VPS: SouthEast, coordinated by Monica Hastings, had an average attendance of eight members at its quarterly meetings. At the meetings they critiqued paintings, discussed group shows, and selected group projects/assignments designed to stimulate creativity and learn new skills.
The hub will be hosting the 2022 VPS statewide Juried Show and will also have a hub show in 2022.
VPS: SE used the 2021 allotment to purchase a Zoom account allowing members to meet remotely during Covid flare-ups and show each other their work so they could continue the highly valued critique sessions.
VPS: SouthWest, coordinated by Linda Masten, had an average attendance of five members at its monthly meetings. At the meetings, whether in person or via Zoom, they discussed hub business such as shows, transporting artwork to shows, assignments for next meetings, and critiqued paintings.
VPS: SW held local hub shows during the past year.
VPS: SW divided the 2021 allotment among members to be spent at as part of a group order. They are considering purchasing tickets to MassMoCA with the hub’s 2022 allotment
VPS: Central, coordinated by Belle MacDougal, who will step down at the end of 2021, met monthly but took the summer off. Via Zoom, members conducted exercises in abstracts, and self-portraits and held a plein air painting meeting in Roxbury MA.
In September and October, members worked to put on the VPS Members’ Exhibition at the TW Wood Gallery in Montpelier.
VPS: CEN allotment money was spent on Zoom demos with Tony Allain and Aline Ordman.
VPS: Upper Valley, coordinated by Kate Cone, had an average attendance of eight members at its monthly paint outs at Thetford Center. The hub is planning a tutorial with Katrina Thorstensen.
VPS: UV did not use its 2021 hub allotment thus far, but members hope to fund an outing to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
VPS: MidState, coordinated by Cris Kossow, had an average attendance of five to ten members at monthly meetings conducted via Zoom. The hub took the summer off and is now working to decide how to meet this winter.
VPS: MS meetings typically consisted of a presentation or demonstration by a member, sometimes with a video, on a particular topic. An assignment stemming from that topic might be an assignment for critiques at the following meeting.
VPS: MS will use its 2021 allotment to pay in advance for a one-day workshop with Aline Ordman to be held in 2022.
VPS: MS will host the Members’ Exhibition at the Chaffee Arts Center in Rutland during July and August 2022. VPS: MS also hopes to have a day of painting together during 2022 in space reserved and paid for in 2020.
VPS: Champlain, coordinated by Lisa Kent, had an average attendance of six to eight members at meetings conducted via Zoom. The hub is currently meeting in person monthly. Meetings included the discussion of allotment spending, organizing plein air events, planning for future hub exhibits, critiques, and sharing of work.
VPS: CHP is planning a small hub exhibit in early spring of 2022.
VPS: CHP used its 2021 hub allocation by making donations to SVAC, as well as a local youth center in Burlington. Members intend to use the 2022 allocation to help pay for a demonstration/presentation to hub members.
Chris reiterated that funds allocated to hubs for 2021 and not spent in 2021 will NOT roll over to 2022.
Exhibitions Report: Matthew Peake presented in the absence of an Exhibitions Coordinator.
Matthew noted that as the VPS Board position for Exhibitions Coordinator remains vacant, the six hubs will be responsible for the two VPS annual shows. Two hubs per year will each handle one show.
During 2020-21 VPS held two shows that were hosted entirely by hubs. VPS: SW and VPS: CEN both did a fabulous job. The work included finding a venue, doing publicity, securing prizes, hanging works and securing judges. The success of these shows suggests that VPS is not currently in dire need of an Exhibitions Coordinator, but hubs with experience of putting on shows are asked to assist those that have not done so yet.
In June and July, VPS: MS will host a Members’ Exhibition (ME) in Rutland, while VPS: SE will host a Juried Show (JS) in Brattleboro in October.
In 2023 it will be the turn of VPS: UV and VPS: CHP.

There exists a “To Do” list to help with the organization of a show that Cindy Griffith
and Marcia Hill are currently updating. It is thought and hoped that the experience of
hosting a show will be rewarding for hub members.
Each year VPS plans to hold two shows. One is an ME. All VPS members are encouraged to enter as many works as the show location permits. Awards categories are different from those of a JS so that anyone, with any level of experience, may win an award. There will be first, second, and third place awards, with honorable mention awards for subject matter (Luminous Landscape, Reflective Waterscape, Abstractly Appealing, Figuratively Speaking, Lively Still Life) and design elements (Lovely Lines, Colorfully Crafted, Shapely and Edgy, Touchingly Textural and Totally Tonal).
An Annual JS is intended to showcase the best artists VPS has as members.  Accordingly, national jurors select from the entries the paintings to be shown. A different artist acts as judge and selects the winning pieces. Awards will be for first, second and third places and two honorable mention places.
All VPS members, whether or not they are currently in the VPS show at the T.W. Wood Gallery, will be asked to fill out the survey which they will receive following the close of the show. This will help our VPS make the ME and JS better in the years to come.

Workshops Report: Mark Grasso reported on workshops. Three workshops are scheduled for 2022: Lyn Asselta in Bennington for three days in spring; Alain Picard 8/8/22 – 8/10/22 Landscapes (or his title); Alain Picard 8/11/22 – 8/12/22 Portraits (or his title); and Dawn  Emerson in Bennington for three days in autumn. These are the workshops planned for past years, but which could not be held owing to Covid-19.
Webmaster Report: John Landy thanked Cindy Griffith for her assistance with the
development of the Pastel Music Exhibition page.
All members are invited to show on the VPS website two paintings on an artist page, with one of those paintings being part of a slideshow on the VPS home page. Paintings on the artist pages are displayed in full screen view if selected by the viewer. Paintings that are part of the slideshow also appear in the Members’ Gallery.
On the Education page there is now a link to a listing of the DVDs available by mail from Shelli DuBoff. Shelli thanked John for making this list available.
Matthew encouraged members to send photographs of two of their paintings to John for the website had they not already done so.

Treasurer’s Report: Linda Masten, Treasurer, presented her report on the society’s finances. She detailed the amount in the checking account and in a certificate of deposit.
Linda reported that VPS is in excellent financial shape despite having had no income for the year. Most of the money allocated to the hubs for 2021 and the money that may have rolled over from 2020 has been spent. There will be no rollover to 2022 of unspent monies. Linda would like to know by the end of November what amount remains unspent.
According to the hub membership numbers as of October 1, 2021, the hub allocations for 2022 will be as follows:
VPS: SE $185
VPS: MS $175
VPS: CEN $205
VPS: SW 1 $150
VPS: CHP: $170
VPS: UV $160
These numbers reflect the calculation of $100 per hub plus $5 for each paid member.
Linda had prepared the 2022 budget and the board had approved same on October 13, 2021. John Landy made a motion to approve the budget for 2022. The motion was seconded by Mark Grasso and was passed without discussion. Voting was done by Mark through a Zoom poll.

Elections to the Board
There are ten positions on the Board, and each position is for a two-year term so each year five of the positions need to be filled. For 2021 – 2023 these positions are Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Members-at-Large. Mark, Linda and Shelli are willing to continue in their current positions as VP, Treasurer, and Member-at-Large respectively; Anne and Grace would like to step down.
No member stepped forward for nomination for the Secretary or Member-at-Large positions and therefore, with the agreement of Anne and Grace, they remained as candidates. Hubs are asked to inquire among members to fill these positions during or after the terms of Anne and Grace.
A vote was held to re-elect all five board members for another two-year term and the
entire slate was elected.

Other Business
Matthew reminded members that about ten years ago the membership was surveyed to determine what they thought VPS was doing well and what areas needed attention or to be added to what is offered to members. There will be another survey along these lines in the first quarter of 2022.
Matthew thanked Mark for facilitating the polling of members during the Annual Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm upon the passing of a motion made by Linda Masten and seconded by Shelli DuBoff.

Respectfully submitted,
Anne E. Taylor, Secretary


Vermont Pastel Society Minutes
Board Meeting April 20, 2021

 A board meeting was held online via Zoom.

Matthew Peake, President, called the meeting to order at 7:04pm. Participating were Mark Grasso, Vice President; Anne Taylor, Secretary; Linda Masten, Treasurer; Cris Kossow, Hub Coordinator; Maggie Smith, Membership; Grace Cothalis, Director at Large/Video; Shelli DuBoff, Director-at-Large/Scholarships, and John Landy, Webmaster.

Mark Grasso made a motion seconded by Shelli DuBoff to approve the minutes of the October 7, 2020 meeting. The minutes were approved as written.

Hub Coordinator Cris Kossow presented the report on hubs. 

VPS: MidState’s monthly meetings have an average attendance of 10 members on Zoom, many of whom post on a closed Facebook page prior to the meeting, enabling the sharing of work and ideas. Often one member will explore a topic in depth and present information on it. The hub has already paid for space to host two paint together days yet to be scheduled owing to Covid. A member from Massachusetts has joined VPS:MS owing to her prior connection with the coordinator.

VPS: SouthWest averages five to seven members at its monthly Zoom meetings. The hub plans to use its allotment of funds to reduce the cost to members of workshops it plans to hold. At meetings members discuss upcoming shows and workshops; have critiques of work completed; and brainstorm a monthly assignment. The hub is planning a show at the Beyond Gallery in Bennington.

VPS: SouthEast’s Zoom attendance averages 10 members who will have participated in a group project, theme or process. During winter these meetings are held monthly. Critiques are a significant portion of each meeting. Members also brainstorm locations for hub shows and will hold a hub show in August. The hub spent some funds on upgrading the Zoom account to a paid account.

VPS: Central has been meeting monthly via Zoom with participation of about fifteen of twenty-three active members. In January the hub covered abstract work; and in February, self-portraits. In March the hub used hub allotment funds and had a Zoom presentation from Tony Allain. Seventeen hub members participated in the three-hour program. In April Aline Ordman was the three-hour presenter and 14 members participated.

VPS: Upper Valley’s meetings average seven members. They are spending their allotment on arranging a monthly gathering location in Thetford.

VPS: Champlain is “limping along,” not using Zoom, and doing little, owing to the Covid-19 situation. The hub requested permission to award $100 of its funds as a prize for the New Hampshire Pastel Society. There was discussion of this request later in the meeting.

Matthew thanked John for distributing the donated frames to the hub persons handing them on as agreed previously.

Both Mark’s and Linda’s hubs had attendees from other hubs at their Zoom meetings.

Exhibitions (Board position currently vacant).

VPS: SouthWest is responsible for the current Members’ Exhibition at Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester. Linda reported that the organization of the show was fairly straightforward for the hub as SVAC undertook the hanging of the art and the reception was online. Mark secured the judge. Coordination and communication necessitated many e-mail exchanges. Linda took on this responsibility for the show.

The Board concluded that we should continue to seek an exhibition coordinator, but also that the localized running of a show by a hub can be helpful in as much as hub members will know appropriate locations to try.

If a hub is unable to take on the organization of a show we can have an online show similar to the juried show held in autumn of 2020.

VPS: Central will organize the next show, another Members’ Exhibition, in autumn 2021. This will be at the T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier which is in the process of a renovation scheduled to conclude by the beginning of May.

Only the images of the current show’s prize-winning works have been posted on our website owing to the workload involved in gathering the necessary information. The Board concluded that such a posting is sufficient unless an entire show is held online.

For the 2022 Juried Show, hosted by VPS: SE, if it is held in Bellows Falls, only 20 – 25 paintings will be accepted.

The 2022 Members’ Exhibition will be the responsibility of VPS: MidState.  Cris will ask Lou Kenney to approach the Chaffee Arts Center in Rutland once again about available dates. The show should take place between the end of April and the end of October and not overlap with the show in Bellows Falls.

In 2023, VPS: Champlain and VPS: UpperValley will each be responsible for one show. Grace had a few ideas on possible locations. We have used Hotel Coolidge in WRJ for a VPS show before, so could perhaps use that for the show VPS: UV hosts.

Each hub will be asked to find a show venue. An Exhibitions Coordinator will be helpful in establishing with each hub the consistent criteria for a VPS show. A Juried Show (JS) To-Do list and a Members’ Exhibition (ME) To-Do list already exist. These will be sent by John for distribution to hubs.  John may decide to upload same to the VPS website. VPS: SW will look at the ME To-Do list and add to it based on their experience with the current show at SVAC.

Linda commented that award amounts for our juried shows are low and wondered how much profit VPS, as a non-profit organization, should be making. This was addressed later in the meeting.

Mark Grasso reported on workshops. The Lyn Asselta workshop which was to be held in Bennington from April 30 – May 2, 2021, was cancelled owing to inadequate interest. Three VPS members and two non-members had signed up. There has to be a minimum number of people signing up in order to cover the costs. If more than that number can be accommodated and do sign up, their fees are profit for VPS. Lyn will only conduct four workshops during 2022 and encouraged VPS to schedule one of them.

The Dawn Emerson workshop to be held in Bennington, from October 22 – 25, 2021 may yet go ahead.

John will remove from the website information on the rescheduling of the cancelled 2020 workshop with Alain Picard.

The board again discussed the possibilities for collecting post-attendance evaluations of workshops. Survey Monkey limits free use to ten questions. An upgrade costs $32 per month which is not reasonable currently for VPS given our likely need for only one or two surveys per year. Mark will find out whether one can join just for the months when the upgraded version is needed for a survey.  John reported that Google Forms has been used for survey purposes, but participants need to have a Google account and not all members are willing to open one. VPS will not use Google for future surveys.

Matthew will locate the questions VPS has used in earlier surveys. Mark will look into Survey Monkey options as we may also use surveys to improve exhibitions and membership meetings.

Linda Masten, Treasurer, presented her quarterly report on finances and raised the issue of the wash of income and expense when VPS has a reciprocal award relationship with a society in another state. As the treasurer must record the receipt and distribution of these funds this could perhaps be done as a footnote to the budget and the Treasurer’s reports. The matter was not resolved. Reciprocal arrangements with other pastel societies provide name recognition for VPS. The Board decided that these arrangements should only be with groups in neighboring states and/or with those whose membership includes one or more of VPS’ members.

VPS: Champlain had requested permission to use $100 of its hub allotment for an award for the New Hampshire Pastel Society. Although this request was considered unusual, it did not cause a problem until the NHPS expressed a desire to make the arrangement reciprocal. As a hub cannot accept the funds from NHPS which would have to be paid to VPS, this proposal for the use of hub funds was discussed. Linda will contact Lisa Kent about this difficulty. VPS could enter into a reciprocal relationship with NHPS as it costs nothing, but hub funds would not be used.

VPS: Central spent its funds on the two artist presentations referenced earlier. VPS: SE spent $150 on a Zoom account. VPS spent $17 on bank checks which are printed with the VPS P.O. Box address in Montpelier.

Membership fees on the current report look unbalanced, but that is because members often renew in December, and, indeed throughout a calendar year.

All in all, VPS is in a healthy financial position and should perhaps consider lowering the cost of attendance at the Dawn Emerson workshop or allocating more funds to hubs for their use.

Webmaster John Landy reported that the VPS Exhibitions web page continues to be the page most visited, followed by the Gallery of Member Art. John has made 69 updates to the website since our meeting in October. These updates include plug-in updates, and updates to the Gallery page resulting from member requests.

The page on our website for Noteworthy News is not being used by members or hubs. Matthew in his quarterly newsletter will remind members of the page’s existence and request information for inclusion. It is possible the Board will decide to replace this page in the future with hub news in some form.

The Board decided that information on the website should not be older than two years (unless, of course, it remains current).

On February 27, 2021, the website was briefly unavailable owing to the expiration of the security certificate. John and Linda took immediate action to remedy this situation.

Annual Members’ Meeting

Matthew reported that there are two possible presentations for this meeting: one by Dakota Pastels and one by Artisan Advantage, a marketing consultancy. Linda will call Dakota Pastels to find out the west coast days and hours during which the presentation could take place. The Board concluded that if we did accept a presentation from Artisan Advantage there would be no payment for same as the business is actually seeking access in order to market itself to our membership. Mark will consider speaking with the contact person, Becky Sciullo, to determine the usefulness to our members of this 50-minute presentation.

Mark made a motion to hold the Annual Meeting via Zoom, noting that there was greater member participation in the last such meeting compared to the in-person meeting in 2019. Cris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Dates suggested for the Annual Board Meeting to be held via Zoom are October 16, October 21, October 28, or October 30. The timing depends on Dakota Pastel and will be decided later by e-mail exchange.

VPS Mail/PO Box 

John has agreed to take on responsibility for checking the mailbox every two weeks or so. Membership checks are mailed directly to Maggie and tax communications go to Matthew. The PO box receives little of importance but the address is needed for state and federal registration purposes.

Reciprocal Pastel Society Sponsorships/Donations

Reciprocal arrangements with other pastel societies provide name recognition for VPS.

The issues surrounding these arrangements were discussed during the report by Linda as Treasurer.

Gifts for Departing Board Members

It has been VPS practice that departing board members have received a financial award at the end of their tenure according to a scale developed in the past. In light of VPS’ current non-profit income tax situation, this practice will not continue. A non-cash gift is appropriate although a gift certificate for non-art related items may also be problematic and should be avoided. The Board decided to ask the members of the hub to which the departing board member belongs for suggestions on a gift, perhaps related to a non-art interest of the member. Equally, no one undertakes service on the board in anticipation of a gift at the end of tenure and accordingly members could choose to forego a gift or the gift suggested by the hub could be a token of appreciation rather than equaling the sums expended in the past.

Next Board meeting is tentatively set for October 13, 2021, from 7 – 9pm via Zoom.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15pm upon the unanimous passing of a motion moved by Anne and seconded by Linda.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne E. Taylor, Secretary

Vermont Pastel Society Minutes
Annual Membership Meeting, November 9, 2020

The meeting was held online via Zoom.

Matthew Peake, President, called the meeting to order at 7:06pm. Participating
were Mark Grasso, Vice President; Anne Taylor, Secretary; Linda Masten,
Treasurer; Judy Albright, Hub Coordinator; Maggie Smith, Membership; Grace
Cothalis, Director-at-Large; Shelli DuBoff, Director-at-Large; John Landy,
Webmaster; Patti Braun, Kate Cone, Carroll Durand, Annie Halvorsen, Monica
Hastings, Cris Kossow, Debra Kraemer, Diane Szlacketka, and Grace

Monica Hastings made a motion seconded by Linda Masten to approve the
minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting held on November 10, 2019. The
motion passed and the minutes were approved as written.

Hub Coordinator Judy Albright presented the report on hubs. Funds allocated
to hubs for 2020 and not spent in 2020 will roll over to 2021 owing to the
difficulties presented by the pandemic. This change is reflected in the budget for
2021. The process for applying for funds remains unchanged.

The society’s six hubs have not been particularly active with the exception of
VPS: SouthWest which has continued meeting throughout this period. VPS:
MidState resumed monthly meetings recently after a summer hiatus. Efforts to
encourage resumption of activity in other hubs have received little response,
though some hubs are holding local shows.

Despite reaching the end of her term, Judy will soon distribute Hub Happenings
(or will assist her successor in doing so as needed).

Mark Grasso reported on workshops. Two workshops are scheduled for 2021:
Lyn Asselta in Bennington from April 30 – May 2; and Dawn Emerson, also in
Bennington, from October 22 – 25. Whether these workshops may be held with
reduced capacity (fewer than 17), full capacity, or be rescheduled, has yet to be
The cancelled 2020 workshop with Alain Picard may be rescheduled for 2021,
but a decision will be made whether we want a third workshop in 2021 and, if so,
whether it should be in person or online.
Any tuition checks received by Linda will be held in case there is later
cancellation of a workshop. If so, Linda will mail back the checks to the would-be

Webmaster John Landy reported that he has been tracking site traffic to see
the popularity of the various pages and use that as an indicator of member
interest. Exhibitions, Gallery, and Workshops are the pages receiving the most
visits (other than, of course, the Home page).
Members are beginning to take advantage of the ability to have a web page on
the VPS website. Each artist’s page may have two paintings, one of which will
also become part of the slide show on the VPS home page. The other painting
will appear in the Member Gallery and be linked to the artist’s VPS website page.
From the artist’s page s/he may link to a page outside the VPS website.
The 2020 online juried show is live. John will enter links from the paintings to the
VPS pages of the artists.
John has updated the information on holding electronic meetings and the
amended by-laws are live on the website.
Hubs and members are invited to submit any noteworthy news for announcement
on the website. E-mail John to effect this. The date and location of a member’s
show is a perfect item for this page. Suggestions for hub activities could also be
included here.
John welcomes suggestions for improvements to the website. He also noted that
he will help members with technical issues.
Matthew complimented John on his swift responses to member requests.

Linda Masten, Treasurer, presented her report on the society’s finances. She
detailed the amount in the checking account and in an interest-bearing certificate
of deposit.

Although there has been no income in 2020 from workshops VPS is on target
with its 2020 budget. The 2021 budget will include the rollover of hub funds.
Linda reported that VPS is in excellent financial shape and suggested a couple of
ways VPS might reduce its fund cushion while keeping at least $10,000 on hand.

Linda reported that VPS is now a tax-exempt organization. John will work with
Linda to ensure that the correct version of form 990 for VPS’ income and budget
is filed with the IRS.

Mark Grasso made a motion seconded by Shelli DuBoff for membership to
approve the 2021 budget previously approved by the Board. The motion passed
and the budget was approved.

Exhibitions (Susannah Colby was unable to join us, so Linda Masten and
Matthew Peake presented).
Pastels for the VPS 2020 Online Juried Show have been selected. Forty-five
members submitted eighty-five paintings of which thirty-five met the jurors’
criteria for inclusion. Jean Rosier Smith and Lyn Asselta served as jurors. Alain
Picard has already received the thirty-five for final judging. Alain will comment on
the three winning paintings and the two honorable mentions on or before
November 23, 2020. John will announce the results online as soon as they are
available and Linda will inform winners directly.

Three artists joined VPS in order to be able to enter their works.

The Show Submit platform worked very well and its personnel were helpful in
offering suggestions for a successful process.

The T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier will be the location of the VPS members’
exhibition in 2021, if it is held. There will also be a juried show at the Southern
Vermont Art Center in Manchester.

Elections to the Board

There are ten positions on the Board, and each position is for a two-year term so
each year five of the positions need to be filled. For 2020 – 2022 these positions
are President, Webmaster, Hub Coordinator, Exhibitions Coordinator, and
Membership Chair.

Judy Albright and Susannah Gravel are stepping down from their positions as
Hub Coordinator and Exhibitions Coordinator respectively. Cris Kossow has
volunteered to take over as the hub coordinator. No member volunteered to fill
the position of Exhibition Coordinator. No other nominations were received.
Matthew Peake, John Landy and Maggie Smith all agreed to continue in their
current roles if such was supported by the membership.

Kate Cone made a motion seconded by Linda Masten for membership to
approve the slate of four candidates Matthew, John, Cris and Maggie. The
motion passed.

Matthew thanked Cris for volunteering, those continuing on the Board and Judy
Albright and Susannah Gravel who are stepping down. Judy and Susannah will
each receive a gift certificate for merchandise at Dakota Pastels.

Other Business

Members discussed possible ways of mentoring and/or critiquing the work of new
members, those new to the pastel medium, or members whose hubs are not
meeting online at this time.

Various methods of inviting members of other hubs to a hub’s meeting, whether
online or in person were discussed.

VPS may consider asking jurors for their criteria for inclusion in shows.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:43pm upon the passing of a motion made by
Linda Masten and seconded by Shelli DuBoff.

Respectfully submitted,
Anne E. Taylor, Secretary


Vermont Pastel Society Minutes Board Meeting October 7, 2020

A board meeting was held online via Zoom.

Matthew Peake, President, called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. Participating were Mark Grasso, Vice President; Anne Taylor, Secretary; Linda Masten, Treasurer; Judy Albright, Hub Coordinator; Maggie Smith, Membership; Grace Cothalis, Director at Large/Video; Shelli DuBoff, Director-at-Large/Scholarships, and John Landy, Webmaster.

Maggie Smith made a motion seconded by Mark Grasso to approve the minutes of the April 18, 2020 meeting and the minutes of an e-mail meeting held August – September 2020. The minutes were all approved as written.

Hub Coordinator Judy Albright presented the report on hubs. Since the last meeting only two hub point persons have contacted Judy. Only one group has been meeting regularly via Zoom. Judy noted that many members are not interested in using Zoom or any other online platform for meeting remotely. Linda suggested that a hub that does meet in this manner might invite members of another to join in so that they can see the ease with which these meetings are held.

Mark and Linda will work on determining the practicality of a Zoom account for VPS with an administrator for each hub and for the society. Any progress on this issue can be discussed via email meeting prior to the next board meeting.

The Champlain hub has inquired informally about using its allocation of funds to sponsor an art award for the Pastel Society of New Hampshire. Judy forwarded to Lisa the information needed in order to submit a formal request for fund use.

After discussion it was agreed that the unused funds allocated to hubs for 2020 would be rolled forward into 2021 in the hope that the current pandemic situation might enable their use. This is an exception to the rule of no rollovers and may be revisited as needed. In 2020 no hub allocations have been distributed.

Mark Grasso reported on workshops. Two workshops are scheduled for 2021: Lyn Asselta in Bennington from April 30 – May 2; and Dawn Emerson, also in Bennington, from October 22 – 25. Whether these workshops may be held with reduced capacity or be rescheduled has yet to be determined. Mark will contact Lyn again in January about the April workshop.

The cancelled 2020 workshop with Alain Picard may be rescheduled for 2021, but it is too early to plan for this.

Mark will send to John Landy the current workshop information for uploading to the VPS website.

The board discussed the possibilities for collecting from attendees valuations of workshops. Survey Monkey limits free use to ten questions. An upgrade costs $32 per month which is not reasonable currently for VPS given the number of these surveys we need. Mark will find out whether one can join just for the months one needs to use the upgraded version. Google Docs has been used for survey purposes, but participants need to have a Google account and not all members are willing to open one. VPS will not use Google Docs for future surveys.

Linda Masten, Treasurer, presented her report on finances to date, and a draft budget for 2021. There has been no income or expense in 2020 related to workshops. VPS is more or less on budget for the year to date. The payment under Marketing of $187 was for Constant Contact.

Web hosting will cost less than budgeted for 2021 as changes made this year involving an increased expense will reap benefits in the future.

The 2021 budget has a lower amount for gifts than in 2020 owing to the lower number of members leaving the Board.

John Landy will send to Linda the information about 501(c) filing of form 990 with the IRS and about informing Vermont of VPS’ non-profit status.

Maggie Smith made a motion seconded by Shelli DuBoff to approve the draft 2021 budget. The 2021 draft budget was approved and will be presented to the membership.

Webmaster John Landy reported that the VPS web page is visited daily by approximately ten to twelve persons who each access about three pages. The most visited pages are Exhibitions, Gallery and Workshops.

Seven members have updated their artist pages. John has updated the information on holding electronic meetings and the amended by-laws are live on the website.

The method of having prospective buyers contact artists exhibiting in our upcoming online exhibition was discussed. Our online Exhibition pages should have either a link to the artists’ pages on VPS or have contact information on the exhibits’ labels. Maggie will contact those members whose works are accepted to ask them for the contact information they wish to have displayed on the website.

Susannah Colby, Exhibitions was unable to join us. Online entries for the upcoming exhibition are due on or before October 31. As of the date of the board meeting there were 14 paintings entered by seven members.

The question of rotating responsibility for member shows among the hubs remains unresolved. We also need to consider the question of VPS juried shows versus members’ shows and how many there should be.

Matthew Peake asked the various board members whose terms expire at the Annual Meeting whether they are willing to continue serving. Matthew, John and Maggie agreed to continue.

Judy will step down as Hub Coordinator owing to pressure of employment; she will concentrate her efforts on maintaining interest in the Mid-State hub.

We do not yet know Susannah’s intention concerning her role as Exhibitions Coordinator, but it is likely that she will also be stepping down.

Board members are asked to think of possible candidates to fill these two positions. If candidates are identified within the next weeks the membership will be asked to vote on their appointment at the Annual Meeting. If not, then a later e-mail vote will be held.

Other Business

Matthew raised the possibility of VPS participating in the Central Massachusetts Pastel Festival to be held in September 2021 in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Although response to the event was positive the board decided that the distance – 3 1⁄2 hours drive from Burlington – would prohibit most members from attending. Hubs will be able to make contact and participate if they choose.

Member Lisa Kent has in her basement the picture frames donated recently to VPS and has asked about their future. Matthew will ask Lisa if there is an inventory of the frames and if not, whether she has the time to produce one. Maggie volunteered her son who lives close to Lisa to inventory and collect the frames Lisa does not wish to retain for her own use. Hubs will divide the frames for use by their members. John will collect the allocation for the Central Hub. Other hubs will make arrangements for pick up either from Lisa or from Maggie.

The VPS 2020 Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, November 9, from 7 – 8:30pm. When VPS meets in person there is often an activity to encourage participation, but it seems unlikely that we will be able to offer this online in the short time preceding the meeting. Matthew will notify all members in good standing of the date and time of the meeting.

The next Board meeting is tentatively set for Monday, April 20, from 7 – 9pm via Zoom.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55pm upon the passing of a motion made by Mark Landy and seconded by Linda Masten.

Respectfully submitted, Anne E. Taylor, Secretary

VPS 1st Qtr - 2021_



Annual Membership Meeting, November 9, 2020

The meeting was held online via Zoom.

Matthew Peake, President, called the meeting to order at 7:06pm. Participating were Mark Grasso, Vice President; Anne Taylor, Secretary; Linda Masten, Treasurer; Judy Albright, Hub Coordinator; Maggie Smith, Membership; Grace Cothalis, Director-at-Large; Shelli DuBoff, Director-at-Large; John Landy, Webmaster; Patti Braun, Kate Cone, Carroll Durand, Annie Halvorsen, Monica Hastings, Cris Kossow, Debra Kraemer, Diane Szlacketka, and Grace Worcester. 

Monica Hastings made a motion seconded by Linda Masten to approve the minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting held on November 10, 2019. The motion passed and the minutes were approved as written. 

Hub Coordinator Judy Albright presented the report on hubs. Funds allocated to hubs for 2020 and not spent in 2020 will roll over to 2021 owing to the difficulties presented by the pandemic. This change is reflected in the budget for 2021. The process for applying for funds remains unchanged.

The society’s six hubs have not been particularly active with the exception of VPS: SouthWest which has continued meeting throughout this period. VPS: MidState resumed monthly meetings recently after a summer hiatus. Efforts to encourage resumption of activity in other hubs have received little response, though some hubs are holding local shows.

Despite reaching the end of her term, Judy will soon distribute Hub Happenings (or will assist her successor in doing so as needed).

Mark Grasso reported on workshops. Two workshops are scheduled for 2021: Lyn Asselta in Bennington from April 30 – May 2; and Dawn Emerson, also in Bennington, from October 22 – 25. Whether these workshops may be held with reduced capacity (fewer than 17), full capacity, or be rescheduled, has yet to be determined. 

The cancelled 2020 workshop with Alain Picard may be rescheduled for 2021, but a decision will be made whether we want a third workshop in 2021 and, if so, whether it should be in person or online. 

Any tuition checks received by Linda will be held in case there is later cancellation of a workshop. If so, Linda will mail back the checks to the would-be participants.

Webmaster John Landy reported that he has been tracking site traffic to see the popularity of the various pages and use that as an indicator of member interest. Exhibitions, Gallery, and Workshops are the pages receiving the most visits (other than, of course, the Home page). 

Members are beginning to take advantage of the ability to have a web page on the VPS website.  Each artist’s page may have two paintings, one of which will also become part of the slide show on the VPS home page. The other painting will appear in the Member Gallery and be linked to the artist’s VPS website page. From the artist’s page s/he may link to a page outside the VPS website.

The 2020 online juried show is live. John will enter links from the paintings to the VPS pages of the artists.

John has updated the information on holding electronic meetings and the amended by-laws are live on the website.

Hubs and members are invited to submit any noteworthy news for announcement on the website. E-mail John to effect this. The date and location of a member’s show is a perfect item for this page. Suggestions for hub activities could also be included here.

John welcomes suggestions for improvements to the website. He also noted that he will help members with technical issues.

Matthew complimented John on his swift responses to member requests.

Linda Masten, Treasurer, presented her report on the society’s finances.  She detailed the amount in the checking account and in an interest-bearing certificate of deposit.

Although there has been no income in 2020 from workshops VPS is on target with its 2020 budget. The 2021 budget will include the rollover of hub funds. Linda reported that VPS is in excellent financial shape and suggested a couple of ways VPS might reduce its fund cushion while keeping at least $10,000 on hand.

Linda reported that VPS is now a tax-exempt organization. John will work with Linda to ensure that the correct version of form 990 for VPS’ income and budget is filed with the IRS.

Mark Grasso made a motion seconded by Shelli DuBoff for membership to approve the 2021 budget previously approved by the Board. The motion passed and the budget was approved. 

Exhibitions (Susannah Colby was unable to join us, so Linda Masten and Matthew Peake presented). 

Pastels for the VPS 2020 Online Juried Show have been selected. Forty-five members submitted eighty-five paintings of which thirty-five met the jurors’ criteria for inclusion. Jean Rosier Smith and Lyn Asselta served as jurors. Alain Picard has already received the thirty-five for final judging. Alain will comment on the three winning paintings and the two honorable mentions on or before November 23, 2020. John will announce the results online as soon as they are available and Linda will inform winners directly.

Three artists joined VPS in order to be able to enter their works.

The Show Submit platform worked very well and its personnel were helpful in offering suggestions for a successful process. 

The T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier will be the location of the VPS members’ exhibition in 2021,  if it is held. There will also be a juried show at the Southern Vermont Art Center in Manchester.

Elections to the Board

There are ten positions on the Board, and each position is for a two-year term so each year five of the positions need to be filled. For 2020 – 2022 these positions are President, Webmaster, Hub Coordinator, Exhibitions Coordinator, and Membership Chair.

Judy Albright and Susannah Gravel are stepping down from their positions as Hub Coordinator and Exhibitions Coordinator respectively. Cris Kossow has volunteered to take over as the hub coordinator. No member volunteered to fill the position of Exhibition Coordinator. No other nominations were received.

Matthew Peake, John Landy and Maggie Smith all agreed to continue in their current roles if such was supported by the membership.

Kate Cone made a motion seconded by Linda Masten for membership to approve the slate of four candidates Matthew, John, Cris and Maggie.  The motion passed.

Matthew thanked Cris for volunteering, those continuing on the Board and Judy Albright and Susannah Gravel who are stepping down. Judy and Susannah will each receive a gift certificate for merchandise at Dakota Pastels.

Other  Business

Members discussed possible ways of mentoring and/or critiquing the work of new members, those new to the pastel medium, or members whose hubs are not meeting online at this time.

Various methods of inviting members of other hubs to a hub’s meeting, whether online or in person were discussed.

VPS may consider asking jurors for their criteria for inclusion in shows.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:43pm upon the passing of a motion made by Linda Masten and seconded by Shelli DuBoff.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne E. Taylor, Secretary

Vermont Pastel Society Membership Meeting

November 10, 2019, Sherburne Memorial Library

Present: Matthew Peake, Joyce Kahn, Linda Masten, Grace Worcester, Shelli Duboff, Judy Albright, Susannah Gravel, John Landy, Scott Tyler, Kathy Detzer

President Matt Peake called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.
The first item of business was the approval of the minutes of the last VPS Members’ Meeting on November 4, 2018. The minutes were approved unanimously after Susannah moved and Shelli seconded the motion.

Hubs Update
Judy reported that some hubs are more active than others. She has found that doing regular assignments lends vitality to the hubs. The question of what to do with out-of-state members came up. Should they be assigned to the hub nearest them, given a choice, or not put in a hub? Matt sends each new member a letter asking them if they have a connection to a particular part of Vermont (e.g. do they have family or friends or own a vacation home in the state). Otherwise, they are put into the geographically closest hub.
Judy passed out a list of the hubs and the point people. There is one correction: VPS: Central has Belle McDougall as point person, soon to be Cindy Griffith.
Each hub is supposed to have a social media team (SMT), which is in charge of taking photos at hub events and VPS Exhibitions when that hub is hosting. It is the responsibility of the point person to facilitate forming their hub’s Social Media Team. The SMT should send photos to John for the website, to Carol Corliss for FB and Instagram (or post to Instagram themselves), and to Judy for the Hub Happenings newsletter.
We need a form for hubs to use for news releases to promote local hub exhibitions. Susannah has one and will send it to Judy.
There are no rollovers for hub money from one year to the next; however, the question came up about whether hubs could use this year’s hub money to buy tickets to attend a museum next year. After a brief discussion and clarification, it was decided that this was fine.

Susannah reported that VPS will be holding a dual show with the Pastel Society of New Hampshire at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center from January-March 2020. This will be a Members’ Exhibition and will be held in their fourth-floor gallery. Dartmouth takes a 25% commission. Tentatively, the reception will be on January 19, 5:00-6:30, and since Dartmouth Hitchcock caters everything, VPS will not have to supply food. We do not yet know the hanging date, but members will be asked to submit two paintings each. PSNH will find the judges.
The other show to be held in 2020 will be a juried show at the Southern Vermont Arts Center, probably at the end of May.

Next year the two workshops will be with Lyn Asselta (south) and Alain Picard (north).

Webmaster Report
John Landy will become the new webmaster. He will be going over various elements of the website at the close of the business meeting today. PayPal will be used for dues, but not for workshops.

Treasurer’s Report
Linda has submitted the paperwork to make VPS a 501(c) 6, after consulting with an accountant. This year we will have to pay taxes, but, as long as the application is approved, we will not have to do so next year. Currently we have $15,848 in our bank account, plus $10,000 in a CD. We made over $3,000 from our workshops this year.
There was discussion about how to pay for a one-day hub workshop. Should the money go through VPS or not? It was felt that the hub should handle everything itself, getting any money allocated for the hub and asking attendees to supplement any additional costs.

VPS Board Positions
There are ten positions on the Board, and each position is for a two-year term. Each year, five of the positions need to be filled.
John Landy will fill out the second year of Cindy Griffith’s term as Webmaster.
These people are stepping down from the Board:
Joyce Kahn as Member-at-Large,
Grace Cothalis as Vice President,
Grace Worcester as Secretary.
Linda will say on as Treasurer.
Shelli will remain as Member-at-Large.
No one has volunteered to fill either of the vacant positions: Vice President and Secretary. We will continue to search for volunteers. The VP position will be temporarily vacant. Grace Cothalis will become Member-at-Large. (It was moved, seconded, and voted unanimously for Linda as Treasurer, Shelli as one Member-at-Large, Grace W as Secretary, and Grace Cothalis as the other Member-at-Large.) Grace Worcester agreed to serve as secretary until a replacement can be found.
There was discussion about having a Board Meeting on the same day as the Members’ Meeting next year, or of having the Board Meetings virtually. No consensus was reached. Matt said that he was not surprised that the attendance at the annual Members’ Meeting has dropped considerably; the Vermont Watercolor Society had warned him about that possibility because of the activity locally with the Hubs. At the next meeting the Board will discuss possible changes in the time of year meetings are held, and how to increase attendance at the annual meeting.
Matt thanked the departing Board members (Joyce, Cindy and Grace W.) and presented them with thank you gifts.

The meeting concluded at 2:27 p.m. Following a short break, John Landy gave a very informative presentation about our VPS Website, and Susannah Gravel enticed us with the whys for and hows to using Instagram to promote our artwork.
Respectfully submitted,
Grace K. Worcester, Secretary

Vermont Pastel Society Board Meeting on October 26, 2019

Present: Matthew Peake, Grace Cothalis, Joyce Kahn, Maggie Smith, Linda Masten, Grace Worcester, Cindy Griffith, Judy Albright, Susannah Colby, John Landy

President Matt Peake called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m.
The first item of business was the approval of the minutes of the last VPS Board Meeting on May 18, 2019. The minutes were approved unanimously after Judy moved and Susannah seconded the motion.

Hubs update
Judy announced that there are new point people in two hubs: Lisa Kent in VPS: Champlain and Kate Cone in the VPS: Upper Valley. Lisa is trying to revitalize the Champlain Hub by finding a new meeting place and encouraging more people to attend meetings. The other hubs are all doing fine, with some much more active than others.
Judy brought up the question of whether we should roll over hub money from one year to the next. She said we had originally said we would not do this, so she recommended sticking to that decision, and the board agreed. Only one of the hubs has used any of its money, VPS: Southwest, which hired Judy to do a still life demonstration.
Rack cards: We discussed if we should print more, and the consensus was that if hubs need more, they will let Matt Peake know, as he has the original on file at Staples in Brattleboro.
Last item under Hubs: if a hub makes money, what do we do with the extra? The Board agreed that we should put that money back in the VPS treasury.

Grace Cothalis asked workshop organizers to have participants fill in the online evaluations, so we have an accurate record of what worked and what did not. Grace will send the form to Cindy, and Cindy will send it out to the workshop organizers.
Joyce reported that the McKinley workshop was fabulous. Because of cancellations, there was one empty spot. Several people from out of state attended, all joining VPS in the process.
Discussion of paying for workshops: Using PayPal is both too complicated and too expensive, so we will only accept checks for workshops. We also discussed the possibility of requiring prospective attendees to pay the entire amount upfront, but it was decided to let workshop organizers decide on using a “deposit first” system, depending on length of workshop, cost, etc.
Next year the two workshops will be with Lyn Asselta (south) and Alain Picard (north).
VPS made $2,078 from this year’s workshops.

Susannah reported that VPS will be holding a dual show with the Pastel Society of New Hampshire at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center from January-March 2019. This will be a Members’ Exhibition and will be held in their fourth-floor gallery. Dartmouth takes a 25% commission. Tentatively, the reception will be on January 19, 5:00-6:30. We do not yet know the hanging date, or the number of paintings each member may enter, but Susannah will be meeting with PSNH soon to firm up the details.
The other show to be held in 2020 will -be a Juried Show at the Southern Vermont Arts Center, probably at the end of May.
Susannah is working to get each hub to identify a place where a VPS show can be held so we can rotate the venues and each hub can each host a show every three years.
VPS is changing to ShowSubmit for the next Juried Show.

Treasurer’s Report
Linda has submitted the paperwork to make VPS a 501(c) 6, after consulting with an accountant. The accountant declared that she had done it perfectly, and he did not charge us. Linda also declined payment. This year we will have to pay taxes, but, as long as the application is approved, we will not have to next year.
PayPal will be used for membership and the online juried show, but not for workshops. Linda had many hours of works to resolve all the PayPal issues.
Linda went over the changes she has made in the budget, and all were approved by the Board. There was discussion about allocation for both purchase and mailing of DVDs. We need to buy new copies of damaged ones and advertise the fact that we own such a collection. Shelli will be asked to take a few to the annual meeting so members can check them out right then.

Webmaster Report
Social media update: it has not worked to find a group of artists in each hub to oversee social media for that hub. Susannah volunteered to do a workshop at the annual meeting on how to use Instagram and Facebook to promote your artwork.
Cindy is turning the job of Webmaster over to John Landy who has been assisting her. Since no one is currently using the online calendar, they will take it down. We need to increase and update the member gallery. This will be discussed at the annual meeting.

VPS Board Meeting positions
We discussed whether the VP position should be also president-elect, and the Board agreed that that would be the ideal. The current VP, Grace Cothalis, does not want to be president, so would gladly step aside if someone can be found who would be Vice President, President-Elect. In that case Grace would become a Member-at-Large. Otherwise, she will stay on as Vice President.
These people are stepping down: Joyce Kahn as Member-at- Large and Grace Worcester as Secretary. Linda will say on as Treasurer, and Shelli will remain a Member-at-Large.

Annual Members Meeting
Our meeting will be held at the Sherburne Memorial Library on Sunday, November 10 1:00-4:00 p.m. The library has hosted three VPS Board meetings and now a members’ meeting, all free of charge. Grace W. suggested making a donation to the library, and the Board unanimously approved a $150 donation.
At the meeting Matt will go over highlights of the budget, and there will be updates on upcoming workshops and exhibits.
Susannah will do a presentation on using social media, and John will go over key elements of our website. Attendees will need to bring their devices so they can immediately apply what they have learned from Susannah. The introduction to social media will be advertised as ways to promote your work.

The meeting concluded at 3:14 p.m.
Addendum: Email Meeting
An email meeting was convened from Oct 28-Nov 4, 2019 for purposes of getting the board’s approval of the VPS 2020 budget as prepared and distributed by Linda Masten, Treasurer. Present: all board members except Susannah. Cindy moved and Grace C seconded that the board adopt the proposed budget. After a number of days were left for discussion, a vote was held on November 3-4, 2019; the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Grace K. Worcester, Secretary


Minutes of the Vermont Pastel Society Board Meeting May 18th, 2019, held at the White River Craft Center, Randolph

Present: Matt Peake, Grace Cothalis, Grace Greene, Maggie Smith, Judy Albright, Susannah Colby, Laura Winn Kane

Matt called the meeting to order at 12:15

The minutes of the VPS board meeting of October 28th, 2018, were unanimously approved.

501 Application. There was discussion about whether 501(c)3 or 501(c)4 was more appropriate. The Board decided to follow Linda Masten’s recommendation to work with an accountant to fill out the application. The Board voted to offer $200 to Linda to pursue this option. If Linda chooses not to do it, we will offer that stipend to someone else in the Society.

Online Juried Show. Laura Winn Kane reported that there were many communication problems and the owner of Online Juried Show was unresponsive to requests for information. The owner was late with all of his contracted tasks. One of the jurors, Christine Ivers, was livid with the way it proceeded and recommended that we never use the service again. The Board decided to use Show Submit instead. The Pastel Society of America uses and recommends this. On the positive side, we had 90 entries for our juried show. It was decided to raise the 2020 entry fee to $20.00 so that we can better pay judges and jurors.

Scholarships. VPS needs to publicize the fact that there are now scholarships available. Judy Albright will mention it whenever she sends out a hub report. The board discussed criteria for awarding scholarships and came up with these factors: a letter of interest, willingness to present, amount requested, and whether a prior scholarship has been received. Joyce Kahn, member at large, will head the Scholarship Committee. She will choose at least two other members for the committee.

Rack cards distribution. Matt handed out bundles of rack cards to the Board members. All hubs except southwest now have them. The cards should be made available to hub members to distribute at shows, art stores, and other places.

Hubs and money spent so far. No hub has requested any money yet. Judy will mention the availability of hub money in every Hub Happenings, so that all members know this is a possibility.
First quarter financial report. The board voted to roll over the CD, and then unanimously accepted Linda’s report.

Upcoming/current shows. To aid Susannah, Matt asked Laura to take the lead on the current juried show. Susannah assisted and acted as backup. The board recognizes that it would help the local hubs to have a list of specific responsibilities when the show is in their area of the state. For instance, the local hub is responsible for receiving and dispatching paintings and hosting the show reception. A complete list with timeline will be compiled by Susannah and Laura, and provided to the hosting hubs. The exhibition team can write press releases.
This year’s members’ show will open on September 3rd, 2019, at the T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier. The opening will be during an ArtWalk. Grace Greene will organize the reception at the T.W. Wood Gallery. The Members’ Exhibition in 2020 will be at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and will be a joint show with the NH Pastel Society, from January to March. The 2020 Juried Show will be held at the Southern Vermont Art Center, Manchester, VT, which hosts VPS every third year.
The board discussed the awards for the Members’ Exhibition and agreed not to change to first, second, and third prizes. The idea of the Members’ Exhibition is that everyone is equal, and all should feel included; it is an exhibition, not a competition. We will continue to offer prizes in the “most luminous” vein, and will solicit ideas for new categories from members. The board also decided to have a “people’s choice award” and a “judges’ choice award.” Susannah will write up a description of the purpose of the members’ show. Matt will write a Constant Contact memo about the awards, explaining the past choices and that we want other ideas for categories, and he will introduce the idea of the “people’s choice and “judges’ choice.”

PayPal. We will continue to use PayPal for membership and juried shows. For workshops, however, there will be two prices, one if paid by check, another if paid by PayPal, to take into account the fee that PayPal charges the VPS with every transaction. Workshop refunds will be sent by check only.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Grace Worcester Greene

VPS Annual Meeting Minutes, November 4, 2018 at the Wood Art Gallery in Montpelier, VT

Present:  Matt Peake, Linda Kiniry, Grace Greene, John Landy, Kathy Ravenhorst-Adams, Wendy Soliday, Carole Naquin, Susannah Colby, Grace Cothalis, Maggie Smith, Susan Grimaldi, Joanna Novembrino, Athenia Schinto, Diane, Szlachetka, Patti Braun, Shelli DuBoff, Linda Masten, Anne Unangst, Marcia Hill, Cindy Griffith, Belle McDougall, Joyce Kahn, Sarah Albert (15 Central Vermont; 2 Upper Valley; 2 Champlain; 2 Southeast; 2 Southwest)


The Minutes from the last annual meeting were approved as written.


Hub Coordinator Judy Albright was not present, so President Matt Peake did the update. The hubs are all quite busy, and, interestingly, are all doing different things, from critiques to workshops to shows. Each hub has been asked to designate a social media team to photograph events and post information on our various social media sites. Two are still in need of a team:  Champlain and Upper Valley.

The Board has voted to designate a sum of money for each hub annually. The amount will be $100 plus $5 for each member. To access the money, the hub must apply to the board. Money will not be carried over to another year. However, it would be possible to get more than the initial amount if the hub applies for something specific and opens up the designated activity to the whole society.

A special thank you to VPS: Central for hosting the Annual Membership meeting this year!


Susannah Colby, Exhibits Chair, reported that the dates and venues for the two 2019 shows are a bit up in the air. The Wood Art Gallery has agreed to hold the member show September 3-27, but the dates need to be confirmed and possibly changed. She is working on dates for Valley Arts in Waitsfield for the juried show but may need to go to another venue. Currently they have reserved March 9-April 27 for us, but there was concern that there is very little activity in the Valley at that time.

In 2020 we will have an exhibit at Southern Vermont Arts Center. We have an agreement with them to have an exhibit there every third year.

The Board has decided to try an Online jurying process for our Juried Shows. This will save Susannah many hours (she currently spends about 400 hours annually on all her duties). This means that artists will submit their images to this site, but we will still hire our own jurors and judges and have the actual show in a real gallery.  There will be a fee to the VPS of $125 to set up the process.  The members would pay a $15 entry fee for each piece. It was agreed to begin this method in 2019.

There was a discussion about having shorter and more specific times for pick up and drop off of paintings for exhibits. Susannah will work with each gallery on this, since we cannot dictate policies to them.

It was suggested that it would be great if everyone could see the whole show online.


There are two workshops planned for 2019:

Richard McKinley in East Montpelier, July 29-August 2

Jacob Aguiar in Bennington, September 14-15

Joyce Kahn is coordinating the McKinley workshop.  It will be open to everyone, not just people who have taken a workshop with him previously. She will begin advertising around the first of the year and expects to hold a lottery to determine who will attend.

Linda Masten is arranging the Jacob Aguiar workshop.

It was reported that the Board has voted to establish a member scholarship. Every year VPS will designate an amount to be used for scholarships for VPS sponsored workshops.  The money can be given to one person or divided up and given to several, depending upon need and the cost of the workshops.  All VPS members, except Board members, are eligible to apply for consideration. Members interested in applying should fill out the form which will be on the website and include a short paragraph outlining their interest in attending the workshop and how they would benefit from attendance. Applications can be made any time after the workshops are announced, up to two months before the desired workshop begins.  All application information is strictly confidential. Scholarships will be awarded by a designated Scholarship Committee, headed by one of the Board Members-at-Large. Scholarship recipients must wait two years before they apply again.

Webmaster report

Webmaster Cindy Griffith reported that since our website was hacked it has been made much safer. She is exploring using PayPal to pay for membership. She indicated that she would very much like an assistant or someone to take over the job entirely. John Landy volunteered to help her. Cindy also mentioned that members who want to change their bios or artwork, should send her the new information.

Treasurer’s report

Treasurer Linda Masten presented the budget report. VPS has a total of $21, 290.

The group discussed jurors’ fees and agreed that we should increase what we pay. Susannah will research typical fees for jurors and judges and give that information to the board.

Bylaws changes

Matt had previously sent out the changes for comment, and, receiving none, called for a vote on the changes as written. They were passed unanimously.

Board Changes

There are ten positions on the Board, all of which are for two years. Every year five of them are up for election. The slate this year is:

President                     Matt Peake

Webmaster                 Cindy Griffith

Hub Coordinator         Judy Albright

Exhibitions Chair         Susannah Colby

Membership               Maggie Smith

All of these people are currently incumbents and have agreed to serve another term.

In addition, there is a one-year member-at-large position to fill out a term. Shelley DuBois has been nominated for that position.

After finding that there were no more nominations, Matt closed the nominations, and asked for a vote for the whole slate. The slate passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 1:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Grace Worcester Greene, Secretary

Minutes of the Vermont Pastel Society Board Meeting, October 20, 2018

                                Sherburne Memorial Library, Killington, Vermont

Present:  Matt Peake, Maggie Smith, Cindy Griffith, Joyce Kahn, Grace Greene, Linda Masten, Susannah Colby

President Matt Peake called the meeting to order at 1:06 p.m.

The Board approved the minutes of the last board meeting, with Linda moving to do so, and Maggie seconding.

Hubs update

Judy was not present, so Matt reported in her stead.

All hubs have selected a social media team except for Champlain and the Upper Valley.

We discussed giving the hubs an annual allotment of money. Decision on amount to followed later.


Susannah updated us on exhibits.  She got back 57 responses to her questionnaire about the juried exhibition. The consensus was that the reception was poorly attended because it was a long drive for most of the members.

Some members are interested in pairing the reception with a workshop, so as to get more for their long drive. Another possibility is to do those two activities plus have a meeting.

Venues for our next shows:  Festival Gallery in Waitsfield for a juried show March-April. Cindy said that is the dead time in the Valley, and maybe Susannah should try to move the dates.

The Members’ Show is scheduled for the T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier in August.

We are scheduled for a show every three years at the Southern Vermont Art Center. There was discussion about having two shows at the same time, but Susannah explained that that would be a huge amount of work. Another possibility is for a hub to have a show, but to invite other members to participate.

We need to charge to enter to cover our costs and to hire more prestigious judges and jurors and provide better prizes.

We agreed that online juried shows would make things easier. You submit the entries online, but the show is still in a real gallery. Cindy will investigate further. The cost is about $125 for write-up, then $7 per artist. We will try this out in 2019, and VPS will pay for artists’ entry fee.

After a discussion about changing the dates of next year’s shows, Susannah agreed to check with Waitsfield to see if we could move the show to Sept.-Dec., and with the Wood to try to have some time in August to November. She will make sure they do not overlap.

Cindy and Susannah will present the information about the online juried show to the membership.


Jacob Aguiar will do a workshop September 14-16 in Bennington, and Richard McKinley will do one July 29-August 2 in East Montpelier.

Susannah mentioned that schools will pay for art teachers to take workshops, so if we need to find people to fill a workshop, we could try that route.

Grace Greene presented a proposal for VPS to begin offering scholarships to members to help defray the costs of a VPS workshop. After discussion, we came up with this revised version of her proposal:

To support the educational component of our mission, the Vermont Pastel Society has established a member scholarship. Every year VPS will designate an amount to be used for scholarships for VPS sponsored workshops.  The money can be given to one person or to several, depending upon need and the cost of the workshops.  All VPS members are eligible to apply for consideration. Members interested in applying should fill out the form on the website and include a short paragraph outlining their interest in attending the workshop and how they would benefit from attendance. Applications can be made any time after the workshops are announced, up to two months before the desired workshop begins.  All application information is strictly confidential. Scholarships will be awarded by a designated Scholarship Committee, headed by one of the Members at Large. Board members are not eligible to apply.  Scholarship recipients must wait two years before they apply again.

Webmaster report

Cindy reported that we will soon be able to pay through PayPal. The PayPal button will be on the website shortly.

We are still searching for someone to take over from Cindy. Fortunately, she has agreed to keep the job until a replacement has been found.

Cindy brought up the question about paying for security, but after discussion it was determined that it is not necessary for us.

Treasurer’s report

The Board reviewed the budget report that Linda passed out (attached).  VPS has a current net worth of 21, 489.55 which consists of $11,345.03 in the checking account, and a CD worth $10,144.52.

The Board decide to use the surplus for scholarships and for money for hubs. It was decided to give $10 per member to each hub at the beginning of the year, starting in January, 2019. However, if a hub would like money for a particular project, they are welcome to apply to the Board for more money.


Maggie and Judy will discuss this further and create a rack card.

Bylaws changes

With a couple of very minor changes, the bylaws changes proposed by Matt were approved (see attached).

Board positions up for election and the current holder of the position:

President:  Matt Peake

Webmaster: Cindy Griffith

Hub coordinator:  Judy Albright

Exhibitions coordinator:  Susannah Colby

Membership secretary:  Maggie Smith

Member at large:  currently empty

Although all the people listed above are willing to serve for another two-year term, nominations for the positions are also encouraged.

Liability insurance

There was discussion about the need for this. Most other pastel societies, except Florida, do not have it, and it was decided that we do not need it either.

After a reminder that the Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Sunday, November4, noon to 4:00 at the Wood Gallery in Montpelier, the meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Grace Worcester Greene


Vermont Pastel Society Board Meeting
May 12, 2018 at the Sherburne Memorial Library, Killington

Present: Matt Peake, Judy Albright, Grace Cothalis, Grace Greene, Joyce Kahn, Linda Masten, Maggie Smith

Matt called the meeting to order at 1:03 and welcomed Linda Masten as the new treasurer.
The Board approved the minutes from the October 15, 2017 meeting, as well as the email meeting of April 2.

1.Hubs update: Matt began the update, and then when she arrived, Judy continued it.
a. Hub activity: There is a great variation of activities in the hubs, from regular critiques, to monthly activities to shows. The hope is that hubs will get ideas from other hubs via the updates that Judy sends out.
b. Social Media Team: Each hub was asked to talk about choosing two or more people to become familiar with posting on the VPS Instagram (IG) platform, but only two hubs have done so to date. Matt, Susannah, and Maggie all have the password and would be happy to share it with others. We need to get the hubs to agree to this. Those who are interested, should contact their hub point person who can set up a meeting with Susannah Colby to learn how to post to IG.

We need two people from each hub to be on the Hub’s Social Media Team to take pictures of hub activities and post them to our social media sites. Judy will contact the point person/people to get two volunteers per hub. Joyce Kahn volunteered for her hub.

c. Misc.: Since the next show will be in Rutland, VPS MidState will be in charge of receiving the paintings, the reception, photographing, etc.   Individuals who wish may post information about their own shows.

2.Exhibitions update: In Susannah’s absence, Matt gave the update.
a., b. As reported previously, we are all set for the 2018 shows: both the members’ exhibition (to be held at the Chaffee Art Center in Rutland) and the juried show (to be held in Bennington).
c. Plans for 2019 are up in the air, but for 2020 we are planning to have the Members’ Exhibition in conjunction with the New Hampshire Pastel Society at the AVA Gallery in Lebanon, NH.

3. Workshops update:
a) Linda reported on the Alain Picard workshop, which was a great success, both financially and educationally. The net profit was $3, 067.57. She recommended visiting his website to watch the helpful videos he has created.

b) Karen Margulis workshop: the workshop is filling up fast and will almost definitely be sold out.
The Board discussed what to do about the evaluation forms, and it was decided that Grace Cothalis will compile information on the artists, venues, and suggested workshop presenters and topics.

c) Workshops for 2019 and 2020: Joyce is in touch with Richard McKinley about a follow-up workshop in 2019 to the one he gave last year.

d) Grace Greene brought up the possibility of giving scholarships to attend one of our workshops. She reported that both New Hampshire and Maine give scholarships, as cited on their websites. The Board was supportive of the idea but had a lot of questions about how the selection would be made. Grace agreed to contact both of those pastel societies to find out how they do it, and then make a proposal to the Board at the fall meeting.

e) Policy for refunds when a participant cannot attend a workshop at the last moment: If there is someone on the waiting list who can take the spot, then the entire amount will be refunded. If not, then this needs to be decided on a case by case basis, in consultation with Matt and Grace C. The decision will be made in as compassionate a manner as possible.

4. Webmaster report: Cindy was not able to attend this meeting but reported that things have been quiet since the website was hacked and subsequently fixed. Also, since then she has not done anything about looking into using PayPal. Maggie agreed to try to get it going again.
Cindy also asked the Board to find someone to work with her, or to take over completely. Some board members think that the website needs to be updated already and that it is text heavy and hard to navigate. Others expressed the opinion that Cindy had done an excellent job, and that it was too early to overhaul the website again. Several people volunteered to talk to friends and neighbors about costs for redoing the website. These volunteers will send their findings to Matt, and he will compile the info. for the Board.

The Board discussed the idea of offering to put links on our website to companies which donate prizes for our shows. The idea was unanimously approved. Matt will ask DeeDee and Pat for the list of companies that donated prizes for the members’ exhibit this year, and Cindy has agreed to add the links to our website.

Google calendar: Judy will remind hub point people about the existence of and the uses for our Google Calendar.

5. Placement of information: what goes where? Matt informed the board of the variety of requests he receives from various parties for dissemination of information to our membership—from parades to workshops to merchandise for sale.
a) These things should be put on our Facebook page: non-VPS workshops, such as the U-art workshop in Wilmington; past-VPS members’ workshops, such as Robert Carsten’s; offerings from other area pastel societies, and shows in Vermont venues.
b) The Board voted to renew the contract with Constant Contact, which costs $160.00/year.

6. Treasurer’s report: Linda Masten has just taken over from Norma, so is learning the ins and outs. She reported that as of May 1, there was $19,169.62 in our account, plus we have a $10,000 CD.
Matt had one question about an exhibit line item, and Linda will ask Norma about it.

7. Gifts to individuals for service to the board.
Matt proposed the following:
1 year to 1 year, 11 months – a Big Thank You
2 years to 3 years 11 months–$100 and a Bigger Thank You
4 years to 5 years 11 months–$200 and an even Bigger Thank You
6 years and more–$300 and a Bigger than even Bigger Thank You
This passed quickly and unanimously.

8. VPS marketing needs
a) Brochures: Do we want/ need them? The current one is outdated. It was decided to have a rack card instead, and that Judy will design it and Maggie will write the text.
b) Business cards: are they needed? The Board decided that the rack cards would replace business cards, too.
c) Student rate for membership: Susannah proposed this idea, and the Board agreed to offer a student membership for half price, or $20.00.
d) Should we keep a PO Box in Montpelier? Yes, and Joyce Kahn will continue to check on it regularly.

9. VPS Lifetime Memberships
It was decided to establish an honorary membership category instead or a lifetime one. There will be no stated criteria; for someone to achieve this status, a board member must write a letter nominating a person and explain why that person should be given the honorary membership. Then, the Board will vote on it. If the person is granted honorary membership, he or she will receive a congratulatory letter from the VPS president. Maggie will establish an honorary membership category.

10. Annual Meeting: The annual meeting will we held in mid-October from 1:00-4:00, with a business meeting and then a demonstration. Judy will check on possible locations in Middlebury. The Board is asked to suggest names for possible presenters at that meeting.

Matt adjourned the meeting at 3:22.

Respectfully submitted,

Grace Worcester Greene, VPS Secretary


Vermont Pastel Society Annual Meeting

College of St. Joseph, Rutland, November 5, 2017

Present:  Judy Albright, Cristine Kassow, Susannah Colby, Stella Ehrich, Barbara Sarvis, Monica Hastings, John Landy, Louise Kenney, Marni McKitrick, Jacquie Call, Grace Greene, Carol Stephens, Maggie Smith, Susan Tucker, Norma Jean Rollet, Matt Peake, Linda Masten, Janice E. Fleetwood-Bean, Sarah Albert, Nancy Merolle, Belle McDougall, Sean Dye

President Matt Peake called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. and introduced the Board members present:  Norma Jean Rollet, Treasurer; Grace Greene, Secretary; Susannah Colby, Exhibits; Judy Albright, Hubs; Maggie Smith, Membership


The minutes of the  VPS Annual Meeting (11/6/16) and Email meetings of 4-28-17 and 5-4-17 (see VPS website at were approved as written.

Committee reports

Exhibitions Chair Susannah Colby reported on exhibits:  The current juried show will be up at the Coolidge Hotel in White River Junction through December 27; so far two paintings have sold.

For 2018 Susannah is in negotiations with the Chandler Arts Center in Randolph for the VPS Members’ Exhibition in May or early summer, and with the Bennington Center for the Arts for the VPS Juried Show in the fall.

She is also working with the Pastel Society of New Hampshire to have a joint Members’ Exhibition with VPS at the AVA Gallery in Lebanon in the fall of 2020, and to have a VPS Juried Show in 2020 at the Southern Vermont Arts Center.


There are three workshops planned for 2018:

  1. Alain Picard, April 23-27 in Bennington at the Bennington Art Center (three days of landscapes and two of portraits), organized by Linda Masten. Linda recommended signing up for his free monthly newsletter which contains links to educational videos he has created.
  2. Karen Margulis, June 25-28 in Hyde Park, organized by Diane Szlachetka and Patti Braun,
  3. Richard McKinley, part two, August 6-10, East Montpelier, organized by Joyce Kahn. At present, this will be open only to people who have already taken a workshop with McKinley, although Joyce will be further clarifying this with him.

More information on these workshops will be on the website in general membership emails as it becomes available.

Social Media

Matt reported that VPS has a Facebook page (and also an Instagram account), but it is difficult, if not impossible, to upload photos, so the site needs to be cleaned up or re-created.  Matt suggested we create a VPS Social Media team. A suggestion was made to have someone in each hub be responsible for posting things to Facebook. Both Maggie Smith and Susannah Colby volunteered to work with Carol Corliss on this.


Judy Albright reported on the status of the hubs, first thanking Matt for his initiative and hard work in starting the groups. Judy has created and sent out thirty-six “Hub Happenings” since June, with a 70-80% opening rate.


Treasurer Norma Rollet reviewed the budget, showing that we did well on workshop fees this year. We have increased the annual membership fee from $30 to $40 to help cover the increases in pay for judges and jurors and the increased costs to rent venues for our shows and meetings.

Norma reiterated that we must make money on the workshops we offer, not just break even. The budget passed unanimously.

Bylaws (see attachment)

Matt presented changes to the bylaws to accommodate the job descriptions for the two new positions on the Board. They passed unanimously.


The proposed slate of officers was voted in unanimously.  They are:

  1. a) Vice President Grace Cothalis
  2. b) Secretary Grace Greene
  3. c) Treasurer Norma Jean Rollet
  4. d) Member at Large Joyce Kahn
  5. e) Member at Large Linda Masten

The rest of the Board members have one more year in their terms. They are:

  1. President: Matt Peake
  2. Webmaster: Cindy Griffith
  3. Hub Master: Judy Albright
  4. Exhibitions Chair: Susannah Colby
  5. Membership: Maggie Smith


Retiring Board Member

At this point thanks were given to Wendy Soliday who is going off the board after many years of service. Most recently she was a member at large, but she has held several other positions over the years. She was not able to be present at this meeting, but will receive a thank you gift at a later date. Sean Dye added his thanks and praise to Matt’s, saying that Wendy was probably responsible for keeping the organization together during the lean years.


Maggie Smith reported that we have 108 members. She talked about sending out a members’ list to the entire membership. Members will have the opportunity to opt out of being included in that list. She will send out the list immediately, and then twice a year, in January and June. Meanwhile, she encouraged the members present to pay their dues today.

Matt Peake adjourned the meeting at 3:45p.m., and introduced Sean Dye, “The Master of Vibrancy” who then did a one-and-a-half-hour demonstration.

Respectfully submitted,

Grace Worcester Greene


Vermont Pastel Society Board Meeting

October 15, 2017

Present:  Matthew Peake, Cindy Griffith, Maggie Smith, Joyce Kahn, Judy Albright, Grace Cothalis, Grace Greene.  President Matthew Peake called the meeting to order at 2:10.

Minutes:  The minutes of the VPS Board meeting of May 15, 2017 and of email meetings of 4/28-5/1/17 and 5/4-5/7/17 were approved.

Hubs:  Judy and Matt reviewed her report on the hubs, with all congratulating them both on how well the hubs and the reporting on the hubs are going.  Judy said that Constant Contact is available to other board members, and she will be happy to train anyone who is interested.

There was discussion on what logos hubs should use for their activities. Judy presented some samples, but it was agreed that Grace Cothalis will work on another possibility. The idea is to incorporate hub information into the middle of the VPS banner, so both the larger society and the subset will be recognized.


There was general discussion about guidelines for workshop planners. We must make a profit, and the organizers should plan for something to go wrong so there is no financial trouble at the last minute.

Next year we will have Richard McKinley back to do a follow up to the workshop he did last year. Joyce Kahn will organize this, and advertise it out of Vermont so as to make sure we have enough attendees (since it will be required that attendees have already taken a workshop of his).

Linda Masten, who organized this year’s Desmond O’Hagen’s workshop, has submitted a proposal for a workshop in 2018 by Alain Picard. She is suggesting having two parts: a three-day landscape workshop, and a two-day portrait workshop. Artists can take either or both. The Board looked over her proposal, and Grace C. was charged with talking to Linda again about adjusting some prices.

There is also a workshop by Karen Margulis planned for the Hyde Park area by Diane M Szlachetka and Patti Braun in June.

Some members had raised the question about the possibility of a hub piggybacking on to a planned workshop. The Board decided that it would be ok to add on something different such as a critique and demo, but not another workshop.

It was proposed and agreed upon, that we should create a workshop evaluation form for the VPS. It will cover both the presenter and the venue.


There was concern over the organization of the exhibit at Coolidge Hotel in White River Junction. We need a sign-in form, and more than one person to accept the paintings as they are dropped off. Possibilities:  the hub where the exhibit is held could help the Exhibits chair; there could be a whole committee; one of the directors on the Board could automatically be assigned to help the Exhibits Chair.  The new membership form should include a place for people to volunteer for committees.

Bylaws changes.  We will vote on these at the annual meeting. They concern job descriptions for the new jobs we added to the Board (Hub Director and Webmaster)

Membership list:  This will be available to all members. Members who want to opt out will have the chance to do so.

DVDs: There are directions on the website on how to borrow the DVDs, so there should not be any confusion.


Matt and Carol talked over several issues surrounding the VPS Facebook page. We may need to restructure the page totally, or better, begin over because uploading has been difficult to impossible. The board also thought that VPS should have an Instagram account as well. It is possible that Carol Corliss would like help with this or she may want someone to take over VPS Social Media; Matt will ask Carol how we should proceed. We will ask for volunteers to work on the VPS Social Media at the Annual Meeting.


Should we charge an entrance fee for the juried shows? It was decided that rather than do that, that we will raise our annual membership to $40 from $30. That way more people are encouraged to submit paintings to the juried shows. For comparison purposes, Maggie told us that New Hampshire has a $35 membership fee.

There was discussion about adding PayPal to the website so people can pay for membership online. Cindy will look into this.

The budget proposed by Norma looks good, but will need to be adjusted because of decisions made at the meeting today (e.g. raising the membership fee).

The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Grace Worcester Greene


Minutes of the Email meeting 4/28/17-5/1/17

 Motion was made by Norma Jean Rollet, seconded by Grace Greene, to approve the Bylaws changes as written below in bold.  


Section 2:  Number, tenure

The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than three and no more than nine Officers.

Proposed change: The Board of Directors shall consist of no fewer than three and no more than ten Officers.



Section 1: General and Elections

The Officers of the VPS shall consist of: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary, and two Members at Large.

Proposed change: The Officers of the VPS shall consist of: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Exhibitions Director,  Webmaster,  Director of Hubs, and two Members at Large.

Of 88 VPS members eligible to vote, 51 voted in favor of the motion, 1 against, and 36 abstained.

Minutes of the Email meeting 5/4/17-5/7/17

Motion was made by Norma Jean Rollet and seconded by Grace Greene and Wendy Soliday, to nominate Judy Albright as the VPS Director of Hubs.

Information about Judy Albright from her resume was provided as well as the job description for the Director of Hubs as below.


Section 9: Director of Hubs

The Director of Hubs will report to the President and be responsible for communication between Regional Hub Point Persons and the VPS Board. The Director of Hubs will coordinate information about Hub activities and pass that information along to the Webmaster, to the Membership Secretary, and/or to the VPS Facebook page editor depending on the need. The Director of Hubs will prepare a report for board meetings twice a year, describing the status of the regional hubs and their activities. The Director of Hubs will maintain contact with each hub point person, advising new Point People of their responsibilities; being a resource for Point People should questions or problems arise; participating in the replacement of Point People should the currently serving one step down. In essence, the Director of Hubs will oversee the VPS Regional Hub Program and work to maintain its stability and growth.

Of the 89 VPS members eligible to vote, 50 voted in favor of the motion and 39 abstained.

Matthew J Peake


Vermont Pastel Society Board Meeting

May 15, 2017

Present: Norma Rollet, Grace Cothalis, Grace Greene, Cindy Griffith, Matt Peake, Joyce Kahn, Judy Albright

Before the meeting began, treasurer Norma Rollet made a plea to all who collect money for VPS not to hold on to it, but rather to send it to her ASAP.


President Matt Peake formally began the meeting with introduction of our newest board member, Judy Albright, Hub Director, and then gave an update on the status of hubs. There are four that have been organized so far: Southeast (Brattleboro); Midstate (Middlebury/Rutland); Central (Montpelier area) and Upper Valley (White River Junction area). Next, Matt will be going to the Manchester/ Bennington area on Wednesday. All hubs are enthusiastic and have many ideas for activities and getting to know one another better. There are not enough members in the St. Johnsbury/Newport area, so the one artist who is there will be invited to join the Central Hub.


There are a great many topics that VPS needs to communicate to its members: exhibits, shows, workshops and opportunities among them. There needs to be a better way of communicating and indicating what kind of communication each item is. There are currently: a website, a blog (connected to the website) a Facebook page (barely used) and emails on all kinds of news from the Membership Director. Judy Albright shared how Connecticut Pastel Society does their communications, and after much discussion, it was decided to adopt some of their methods.

The main thing is that VPS will get a Constant Contact account (approximately $220) which will enable the organization to communicate in a more professional and consistent manner. Judy and Norma, who are both familiar with Constant Contact, will acquire the license, set up templates for communications (e.g. headings that specify whether the notice is about workshops, opportunities, etc.) and share access and templates with the Board members who need them. As Hub Director, Judy would like newsletter-like information from the hubs, such as a report on a workshop or show; she will compile all the hub information, and sent it out to the membership. Any information calling for ideas or organizing a hub activity will, on the other hand, only go out to hub members and will be sent by the local hub organizer. Constant Contact has many uses besides use as a newsletter; for instance, you can do surveys through it.

In addition, there need to be clear guidelines about what the FB page is for. Carol Corliss tried to get members to send photos of work in progress, but no one did. Cindy will talk to Carol about creating guidelines.

V-cube USA

In very short order the Board declared that the V-Cube USA prices to record our meetings were too expensive, and that most of what we did would not lend itself to being videotaped anyhow. As for workshops, the presenters often make money selling their own videotapes, so would not allow VPS to tape them.


Matt reviewed the information about the two workshops we have planned for this year: Desmond O’Hagan and Doug Dawson. Both are a go. There was discussion about finances, and it was re-stated that VPS should make money on all workshops, and that planners should allow for changes and the unexpected when creating a budget. In the case of the Desmond O’Hagan workshop, VPS will subsidize it by approximately $75, a small amount considering how hard the organizer worked to reduce the costs.

Members’ Exhibit

The hubs have arranged for transportation of artists’ paintings to the Southern Vermont Art Center for drop off on May 20 and 21. The show will be up May 27-July 8 and the reception will be held on May 28 from 2:00-4:00.


Last year there were approximately 100 members, but his year, in spite of several new people joining, we currently have only 89. There was discussion about what to do about this: call, email, letter, or what, and the decision was to send another email with another reminder. Cindy said they always used to send 3 or even 4 emails out, and that people just need several reminders (esp. artists!).

Respectfully submitted,

Grace Worcester Greene

VPS Secretary



November 6, 2016-Vermont Pastel Society Annual Meeting,

Center for Carton Studies, White River Junction, November 6, 2016

Present: Carol Eberlein, Kathy Detzer, David Brown, Sarah Albert, Grace Greene, Maggie Smith, Susannah Colby, Jocelyn Randles, Matt Peake, Kate Burn, Janna Fleetwood-Bean, Katrina Thorstensen, Marcia Hill, Jacqueline Call, Norma Jean Rollet, Anne Unangst, Joyce Kahn, Grace Cothalis, Wendy Soliday, Carol Stephens, Pat McPike, Debra Kraemer, Kate Cone, Ellen Questel, Mallory Rich, Angela Arkway

President Cindy Griffith began the meeting at 2:35 by introducing the current board members:

  1. President – Cindy Griffith
  2. Vice President: Grace Cothalis
  3. Secretary: Grace Greene
  4. Treasurer: Norma Jean Rollet
  5. Exhibitions: Anne Unangst
  6. Membership: Debra Kraemer
  7. Member at Large: Joyce Kahn
  8. Member at Large: Wendy Soliday

The first action was to approve the minutes of last year’s annual meeting. They were approved unanimously.

Review of last year’s exhibits and activities

Cindy commended the great job by people who were responsible for setting up the exhibits and getting the awards: Matt Peake and Anne Unangst were co-chairs for exhibits and other members founds the extensive awards over the year.

The Richard McKinley workshop was a success both artistically and financially. Because of the great interest in the workshop, Joyce Kahn, the organizer, used a lottery system which worked very well.

Cindy next showed the group the new website which she has been working on for the last year: There is a rotating gallery of one work per member on the first page, a member gallery, news about exhibits and the Society and lots more, including a membership form. Cindy was thanked and congratulated on all her excellent work.

Norma Jean Rollet presented the treasurer’s report. The Society has a total of $15,438.11. The only changes from last year to this were minor, such as new line items for marketing and demonstrations, $300 for each. The budget was accepted as presented.

Membership chair Debra Kraemer reported that we currently have 99 members, 14 of whom are from out of state. This year renewal forms will be sent out the first week of December, instead of towards the

end of the month. Members who were present were urged to renew at this meeting. Debra will be leaving this position.

Thanks and gifts were given to Board members who were stepping down: Anne Unangst and Debra Kraemer.

The new board was presented, and Matthew Peake, Maggie Smith, Susannah Colby and Cindy Griffith were voted in unanimously. Both new and continuing members are noted below:

President: Matt Peake

Vice President: Grace Cothalis (continuing)

Treasurer: Norma Jean Rollet (continuing)

Secretary: Grace W. Greene (continuing)

Membership: Maggie Smith

Exhibitions: Susannah Colby

Webmaster: Cindy Griffith (continuing – different role)

Member-at-Large: Joyce Kahn

Member-at-Large: Wendy Soliday

At this point, Cindy turned the meeting over to our new president, Matt Peake, who, with the help of Wendy Soliday, presented Cindy with a bag of small gifts to thank her for her years as president.

Matt talked about plans for 2017, and ideas he has to increase membership. He may do a survey to find out what causes people to join and then stay or leave. We also need to look at look at our mission statement to see if we need to update it. In addition, he would like to find ways for people to get to know one another, and to this end introduced the idea of Regional Hubs of the VPS, a concept that the Vermont Watercolor Society has been successfully using for several years. Matt will look into using the idea with the VPS.

Activities for 2017

Vice President Grace Cothalis discussed two workshops that members are putting together: one by Desmond O’Hagan at the end of June, and one by Doug Dawson in September. Each will be for three days. More info will follow.

The new Exhibits Chair, Susannah Colby, presented plans for two shows in 2017: a members’ show at the Southern Vermont Art Center Manchester beginning at the end of May, and a juried show at the Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction in September. They do not yet know which room we will have at SVAC, so cannot say how many pieces can be hung. At the Coolidge, they can take approximately 30 pieces.

Matt then led a discussion of possible activities for 2017 and beyond. We could compile a list of venues for shows. We could work with/ exhibit with the New Hampshire Pastel Society. We could encourage local gatherings such as the one Wendy Soliday did at her house when she showed a DVD from the VPS collection and artists gathered to paint. Mallory Rich ([email protected]) suggested a paint out such as the one that the Emil Gruppe Gallery does annually in Jericho. She will look into the possibility of us doing this; we have money to pursue it.

There was a lot of enthusiasm for trying new activities, and the membership gave Matt the green light to look into ways to increase our visibility and opportunities.

The meeting ended with a suggestion of taking VPS brochures to distribute to art stores and at classes and workshops.

Respectfully submitted,

Grace Greene

Vermont Pastel Society Minutes 

Annual Meeting 11/8/2015 – Wood Art Gallery

In attendance:  Judy Greenwald, Marcia Hill, Grace Cothalis, Cindy Griffith, Kathrena Ravenhorst-Adams, Norma Rollet, Grace Greene, Jacquie Call, Susan Tucker, Wendy Soliday, Kathy Hart, Shirley Reid Thompson, Debra Kraemer, Linda Kiniry, Anne Unangst, Linka Zita Lee, Carol Eberlein, Matt Peake, Diane Taylor Moore, Jean Serino, Athenia Shinto, Patti Braun, Arlene Hanson, Janice Fleetwood Bean, Sarah Albert, Jane S. Dale, Diane Bruns,

Introductions and Welcome: President Cindy Griffith

2014 Minutes Accepted

Treasurer’s Report: Norma Rollet

VPS budget has remained stable; we have a healthy $10,000 CD, and thus were able to offer three demos this year (free or at a reduced cost to members).

Membership: Debra Kraemer reported that we have 100 members, 14% of whom reside out of state. Membership must be up to date to register for workshops and is due to renew January 1, 2016.

President’s Report: Cindy Griffith reported on several events and issues that occurred in 2015-16 year.

Juried Show at Southern Vermont Arts Center: Mathew Peake chaired event and Wendy Soliday helped. The show was concluded with a demonstration by artist Karen Israel from the Connecticut Pastel Society.

The Board met following the show several times to discuss future processes and to clarify the issue of juried and non juried shows. The attached “Definitions of our member vs juried show” was developed after much discussion and research to help clarify the process. Thanks to all who were involved in this show and helped to clarify. There was a short discussion of these definitions at the annual meeting.

2) There was a workshop with Rosalie Nadeau, organized by Joyce Kahn.

3) There was a “Pizza and Pastels” evening where people gathered to talk pastels and watch a DVD. Wendy Soliday hosted, but any members are welcome to host a similar event. DVD’s are available (contact Grace Cothalis) mailto:[email protected]

4) Exhibitions:  Our new exhibition chairs (Matthew Peake and Anne Unangst) are continuing to look for places for future members and juried shows.  There is a possibility that we will have an all members show at The Compass Music and Art Center in Brandon in June and July. Emile Gruppe Gallery has also expressed interest, as well as Wood Art Gallery. It was suggested that VPS check out Space, an exhibit space in Burlington run by Arts Alive, which may regularly be available for 60 pieces and perhaps is available this April.  The Exhibition Committee will follow up on these. Members should let Anne and Matthew know of other exhibition areas that may be possibilities. It was also suggested that we try to create more awards for the Members Shows to encourage more participation in showing. A volunteer (or volunteers) is (are) needed to work with the committee to generate a letter to solicit awards from art suppliers or local businesses. Anyone willing to do this should contact Anne or Matthew.

It was also suggested that members find ways to share transport to shows. If someone is transporting or looking to transport, a letter can be sent to the membership by emailing Debra Kraemer.  Thanks, Debra.

5)  This led to discussion about the blog and Facebook page which also may be used to send and receive information. Carol Corliss has gotten the Facebook page up and running. Thank you, Carol.

Go to:

6) A membership list will be emailed to all members so that they can more easily contact other members.

7) There are two Board vacancies.  We thank Anne Unangst who has served as secretary and is now working as our exhibitions board member. We also thank Phil Laughlin who has offered many years of service as our webmaster and has resigned.  We expect we will need to hire someone to help update, recreate, and manage our web services as this is a huge piece of VPS.  Cindy and other members of the Board have been exploring options and are hoping to have an updated website in the future.  HOWEVER, we need someone to serve on the Board to help oversee the task of updating ongoing web information.  We do expect to pay a vendor for the service of developing a new website with us, but NEED someone with some web savvy to join the board and help us to keep up with the content.  We are going to select a site that should be fairly easy for a web-savvy lay-person to modify. A committee is being formed to work with this person to enable this update.  Norma Rollet volunteered to help with this, but we need other members to contact Cindy if interested in helping or overseeing this process.  Until we get volunteers, our website will not change and it is seriously outdated. PLEASE VOLUNTEER!

Grace Greene volunteered to serve on the Board as Secretary.  So now there is one Board vacancy. Please consider.

8)  We voted to change our by-laws to read “There will be one annual meeting within the year.”  It is written that it is supposed to be in September of each year, but we chose not to set a specific month.

9) A membership list will be sent annually to all members.

Other Business

Exhibitions:  Should we allow all pastels (oil and soft) in juried and non juried shows?  It was noted that most of our in-print materials and mission statements include all pastelists.  Those present voted to allow all pastelists to participate in exhibitions and VPS activities.

We have hired Richard McKinley to do a workshop in August 2016, in the central VT area.  Joyce Kahn is organizing, and sign up will be open first to VPS members.  She is clarifying the process of sign up as we anticipate many will want to participate and we want to ensure there is a fair and transparent system for registering. The Board will notify all VPS members when registration opens. It is expected to fill quickly, so watch closely for VPS email and announcements.

Demos/workshops:  For the past year the Board has tried to offer members free or reduced price workshops and hopes to continue to do so, especially to coincide with exhibits and the annual meeting. Please submit ideas for future demos or workshops to [email protected].  Ideas generated for future workshops/demos: Desmond O’Hagan, Jennifer Evenhouse, Aline Ordman, Tony Allain, Barbara Jaenike.


A still life painting demonstration by Aline Ordman concluded our meeting. We would like to thank her for sharing her time, knowledge, and amazing skills with all of us. We would also like to thank Grace Cothalis and Anne Unangst for organizing food for this meeting. We would also like to thank all of you who travelled so far to share the work and pleasures of this wonderful organization. One third of our members came to this annual meeting…a wonderful turnout.

VPS would like to thank Cheryl Dick who managed our DVD library for the past few years but is no longer able to do so. We are grateful for all her work and have sent a thank you on behalf of VPS.  Grace Cothalis has agreed to take on her responsibilities.  She orders new DVD’s based on our members’ recommendations, and is the person to contact if you want to borrow a DVD.  In my opinion this is a wonderful perk of being a VPS member, and I hope we use it frequently.

VPS also has sent a huge thank you to Phil Laughlin who has managed our website for years. We will miss him and wish him much success and painting time in the years ahead.

Respectfully submitted and perhaps overly edited: Wendy Soliday
